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The 2024 Open Education Conference will be held as a hybrid event on October 8-10, 2024 in Providence, RI and online. Questions? Email contact@openeducationconference.org. Excited to attend? Register now.

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Thursday, October 10

11:00am EDT

Open Pedagogy in Action: Students' Perspectives on Authoring a Textbook on Language Learning
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
This session is pre-recorded and will not be held live. The pre-recorded video will be available for logged-in attendees to view at any time during the conference.

This presentation showcases an Open Pedagogy project in which students wrote an open-source textbook from start to finish. Five diverse University of Oregon undergraduate students and one graduate student project manager created ten multimedia, interactive textbook chapters for LING 144, Learning How to Learn Languages. This text focuses on the theory, research, and strategies for learning languages, including heritage languages and indigenous languages in danger of disappearing. Team members collaborated weekly for six months, dividing up work on writing, illustration, case studies, and multimedia elements. This book will become the main text for LING 144 (serving 200 students per year) and will be a living document that future students can annotate and update for course credit. In the presentation, team members will tell the story of their process, highlighting the purpose and content of the project and its Pressbooks platform.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the successes and challenges of an example of a student-created Open Pedagogy project.
  • Identify the timeline and resources necessary for a project of this scope.
  • Identify the roles and processes of a student team.
  • Appreciate the benefits to students of leadership and agency in Open Pedagogy.
  • Appreciate the benefits to faculty in facilitating student-led work.
  • Appreciate the value of contributing to open educational resources.

Faith Adler

University of Oregon

Logan Fisher

University of Oregon

Bibi Halima

University of Oregon

Cameron Keaton

University of Oregon

Addy Orsi

University of Oregon

Abhay Pawar

University of Oregon

Keli Yerian

University of Oregon
Session Type
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Virtual (40 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
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  Session: Virtual

4:00pm EDT

Accountability through Open Data Protocols: High-Dosage Tutoring Efforts Across Five States
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
In their (2015) publication “Open Data as Open Educational Resources” Atenas and Havemann suggest “wider engagement with, as well as transparency of, public knowledge, are…very worthy aims for education.” In the spirit of this assertion, and as a means of demonstrating the value of open practices in education data, Fellows from the Harvard Strategic Data Project will outline how collaborative, open partnerships enhance their work in examining data practices in High-Dosage Tutoring (HDT). This session explores how HDT has been implemented as a remedy for COVID-related learning loss, particularly among students of color and low-income. Featuring diverse data leaders from five state education agencies, it offers evidence-based solutions and discusses the challenges in implementing HDT nationwide. This session will showcase open-access, take-home resources that equip participants with strategies to mitigate pandemic learning loss through open access tools.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the Value of Open Practices in Data Projects: Participants will learn how open practices enhance data practices such as unifying collection protocols, co-creating data standards and tools, and iterative, real-time peer reviewing.
  • Explore the Opportunity of OER in High-Impact Tutoring: Participants will explore alongside the presenters opportunities that to combine OER into HDT.
  • Evaluate Financial Investment in HDT: Learn about the financial resources allocated to HDT, including ESSER and state dollars, and the importance of assessing these investments' impact through available open access reports and databases.
  • Integrate Evidence-Based Decision Making: Learn how to use evidence and data analysis to make informed decisions about HDT initiatives, with a focus on open access data sources and analytical tools.
avatar for Jason Godfrey

Jason Godfrey

Director of Data Science, Accelerate: The National Collaborative for Accelerated Learning
Hi! If you're trying to learn about me, why not meet up for a chat? I'd love to say hello.https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/appointments/AcZssZ2QeW-80lUbw6FD6xlpKFrjz4ko4vtpxQnv7ZM=

Spencer Ellis

Colorado Department of Education

Nicole Carmichael

DE Governor's Office

Zhanying Zong

Louisiana DoE

Amy Counts

Arkansas DoE
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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  Lightning Talks (View Anytime)

4:00pm EDT

An Online Presentation About Offline OER: The BCcampus Open Collection Meets Kolibri
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
With readily available internet connectivity in our homes plus always on access with mobile devices, we overlook that half of the world's population lacks connectivity needed to reach educational materials designed for online delivery. Outside of metropolitan areas of British Columbia 20% of the province are unconnected. We will demonstrate how BCcampus is exploring the Kolibri system from Learning Equality to make its B.C. Open Collection available in an offline-first environments, including interactivity of H5P exercises. Kolibri offers customization to remix with other open materials (e.g. PHET simulations, Khan Academy) plus course management features one might not expect in an offline platform. Beyond a demo, we challenge the idea of OER being only online, discuss scenarios for offline OER (incarcerated, refugee learners), ways this approach could be distributed, and to influence creators to make their content available to the world through the Kolibri Catalog.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the different underserved communities and populations that do not have access to online educational materials or technology.
  • Understand how the Kolibri platform enables offline-first access to OER
  • Contemplate and contribute to the potential use cases and needs for offline OER.
  • Install the Kolibri application to directly experience the offline capability to use BCcampus content as well as more OER available in the Kolibri catalog
  • Contribute their own OER content to the Kolibri catalog to make available to more offline first learners worldwide

Harper Friedman

Coordinator, Open Textbook Publishing, BCcampus
avatar for Alan Levine

Alan Levine

Director of Community, Open Education Global
A pioneer on the web since the early 1990s, Alan shares his ideas and discoveries at CogDogBlog. Among his interests are openness and sharing, strategies for connected learning, building tools for attribution, exploring new forms of web storytelling including 50+ Web 2.0 Ways To ... Read More →
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Barriers to Open: Unique Perspectives from Degree Program Leadership
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
The open education community has seen many, many research articles and presentations on barriers and motivators for Open with faculty and student target populations. What we haven’t seen is the perspective of program leadership, such as department chairs. And, though our leadership may not actively participate in Open in the same way that our faculty do, they often have an administrative role over the Open work faculty are doing. This session will present findings from a dissertation research project that examined barriers to Open with program- and department-level leadership as the target population. In addition to the unique population of this study, the research methods also provide a unique opportunity to examine the relationship between discourse among program administrators and institutional policies which revealed inconsistencies that may create additional barriers, particularly to the sustainability of Open work.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explore barriers to Open from the perspective of degree program leadership.
  • Question whether their program leadership’s understanding of institutional policy is consistent with written documents.
avatar for Tiffani Tijerina

Tiffani Tijerina

Instructional Designer, Kennesaw State University
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Beyond Words: Maximizing the Impact of Open Textbooks through Design
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
In this lightning talk, we’ll challenge the misconception that design is merely an aesthetic embellishment by exploring the critical role of design in creating impactful, accessible, and credible openly licensed textbooks. Drawing on theories from psychology, we will highlight how a well-designed textbook not only enhances comprehension but also establishes trust and credibility. In addition, attendees will leave equipped with practical tools and technical solutions to implement in their own textbook projects, from creating cover designs to picking a cohesive color scheme. This talk will focus on teaching Microsoft Word tools, recognizing that most people already have access to this software. Through these insights and tools, participants will leave equipped to prioritize design in their textbook projects, ultimately fostering enriched learning experiences for all types of learners.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the psychological theories behind how well-designed textbooks enhance comprehension, establish trust, and increase credibility among readers
  • Understand how design can alleviate gaps in accessibility
  • Analyze their manuscript and identify design gaps
  • Choose a color scheme for their openly licensed resource
  • Create a cover design using Microsoft Word
avatar for Kindred Grey

Kindred Grey

Graphic Design, OER, and Digital Publishing Specialist, Virginia Tech
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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  Lightning Talks (View Anytime)

4:00pm EDT

Bridging Access and Collaboration: A Bachelors Program Utilizing OER Across 13 Community Colleges
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Introducing a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing accessibility and collaboration through the implementation of a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) program across 13 community colleges. Developed through a collaborative effort, this program integrates grant funded OER courses to foster equitable access to quality education while promoting resource sharing and innovation. The BAS program represents a shift in higher education, offering students a diverse array of courses specifically designed to meet the demands of today's workforce. Furthermore, the model adopted by CCCS enhances the richness of the educational experience by pooling expertise and resources. Delving into the key components of the BAS program, including the establishment of a collaborative framework among colleges, this presentation will share practical insights and lessons learned from the implementation phase providing valuable guidance for institutions seeking to replicate similar initiatives.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of using free educational materials (OER) in college programs like the BAS, and how it helps students.
  • Understand the process of creating and implementing a ZTC bachelor’s degree program.
  • Explain why it's helpful for colleges to work together on programs like the BAS and how it can make education better for students.
  • Think about ways your own college could use free educational materials and work with others to create better programs for students, like the BAS.
  • Work with their colleges and colleagues to plan and implement full OER or ZTC programs for students.
avatar for Brittany Dudek

Brittany Dudek

Denver, Colorado Community College System
avatar for Rachel Meisner

Rachel Meisner

Colorado Community College System
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

CC ECHO Project Catalog: A Showcase of Diverse OERs Transforming Higher Education
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Join us as we unveil the CC ECHO Project Catalog, which showcases over 30 Open Educational Resources (OERs) funded by the California Consortium for Equitable Change in HSIs with OER (CC ECHO), through an Open Textbook Pilot grant. Our project concluded in June 2024, and we are thrilled to share these OERs with the open education community! Explore our catalog to discover a wide range of OERs, including an American Government audiobook and a guidebook on structural racism in higher education. Each catalog entry offers valuable insights into the development and utilization of these OERs, highlighting their integration of DEI principles and lessons learned during the creation process. Our curated catalog serves as a centralized repository, bringing together all grant deliverables and providing attendees with easy access to a wealth of educational resources. The collection showcases the transformative potential of open education in fostering inclusive teaching and learning environments.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify and locate OER funded by the California Consortium for Equitable Change in HSIs with OER (CC ECHO) grant.
  • Gain insight into the integration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles in the development of OER.
  • Understand the process of creating and utilizing OER as evidenced by the lessons learned highlighted in the catalog entries.
  • Recognize the role of OER in fostering inclusive teaching and learning environments, as demonstrated by the showcased examples in the catalog.

Kelsey Smith

OER Librarian, West Hills College Lemoore
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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  Lightning Talks (View Anytime)

4:00pm EDT

Characteristics and Outcomes of Faculty OER Incentive Programs: A Scoping Review
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Faculty incentive programs have been an important and widely used early strategy to promote the adoption, adaptation, and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in institutions of higher learning in the United States. However, there is no comprehensive synthesis of the existing literature on the characteristics and outcomes of OER faculty incentive programs to which library administrators can refer when developing their own local programs. This poster uses a scoping review methodology to summarize the existing literature with the overall goal of making research findings more accessible to library administrators and other OER decision-makers. The poster illustrates the reported characteristics and outcomes of OER faculty incentive programs, including program structure, funding sources, application requirements, program deliverables, student savings, and other key data points.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify important program outcomes of OER faculty incentive programs.
  • Identify key administrative characteristics of OER faculty incentive programs for use in guiding the development of local programs.

Amber Burtis

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Jennifer Horton

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Mary Taylor

Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Co-Creating Outbreak and Sequencing Information in Open and Accessible Ways
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Interdisciplinary seminars and lab-based courses provide participants with the chance to gain insights from various fields. When textbooks lack accessibility or subjects rapidly evolve, students can research and create resources to support their peers' learning. In the Outbreak and Portable Genome Sequencing (PGS) courses at NC State, students collaboratively created Open Educational Resource (OER) case studies on significant public health outbreaks and a lab workbook focusing on Nanopore sequencing. Student groups were tasked with drafting sections for an outbreak investigation document (Outbreak) or preparing samples for sequencing (PGS), resulting in resources with graphical abstracts and protocols. Scholars contributed to outbreak.pubpub.org, and PGS participants are making a Pressbooks workbook. Future student cohorts will enhance existing resources and create new ones. These openly licensed resources ensure availability for the benefit of all.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe how to implement co-writing activities in their courses.
  • Explain how the co-creation of resources can help students incorporate different perspectives and practice attribution and citation etiquette.
  • List several advantages and disadvantages of collaborative classwork.
  • Share ideas for how variations of this approach can be implemented in different courses.
avatar for Carlos Goller

Carlos Goller

Associate Teaching Professor, North Carolina State University
I am an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and teach in the Biotechnology Program (BIT) at North Carolina State University. I am very interested in integrating open practices in the courses I teach. I believe strongly in non-throwaway assignments... Read More →
avatar for David Tully

David Tully

Librarian for Student Success & Affordability, North Carolina State University Libraries
Librarian at NC State University. Interests include Open Education, Development, Assessment and Outreach.As a Fellow I am leading a strategic initiative which places our Libraries at the heart of the University’s effort to support vulnerable students, especially those who are economically... Read More →
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Collaborative Courtesy: Charting a Course for Crediting Content Creators
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Background: As open educational resources (OER) are made and updated, careful crediting of laborers is needed; training and vetted systems still need to be improved. Methods: An OER textbook created with undergraduate (UG) support to write, edit, and design graphics. Contributors are listed on each chapter’s title page by role based on the version history of Google Docs and delegation in Airtable. Expectations are outlined in a contract. On publication, UGs are thanked for their effort and sent guidance on listing the achievement on a resume or professional profile. Results: Across 9 chapters, 12 authors, 8 editors, and 6 designers have been credited. A spreadsheet of collaborators by role was used to double check and a template email was developed. The system evolves with lessons learned. Discussion: Recognizing workers demonstrates care, and crediting efforts avoids plagiarism! Deliberate use of a system supports credit; ours can be used and adapted by others.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Discuss the importance of crediting content creators and the ethical considerations involved in properly acknowledging the work of others.
  • Recognize historical failures and shortcomings in crediting contributors, particularly in academic and creative fields, and understand the negative impact this has had on marginalized groups.
  • Describe our novel online system designed for accurately track and attribute contributions, fostering transparency and accountability.
  • Implement and adapt a well-developed system that allows for seamless crediting of creators and contributors when developing new Open Educational Resources (OERs) or on other collaborative projects.
  • Create a template response for use in thanking contributors and providing guidance regarding how to cite their contribution on their resume and professional profiles.
avatar for Nico Osier

Nico Osier

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Gauri Mittal

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin

Milit Patel

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Creation and Use of an OER Lab Manual for an Introductory Biology Course
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
As a minority-serving institute, our goal is to increase student retention in the Biology major by creating an open educational resource (OER) lab manual. The Basic Biological Sciences II Lab is the 2nd semester in a series of required intro lab courses and is challenging because it covers topics on animal and plant anatomy and physiology. The previously paid manual was not well received by students, where many of the modules and experiments were not consistent with the curriculum. We created an OER manual that was specific to our curriculum. The primary goals for this project were to: 1. Create an OER lab manual; 2. Determine pedagogical evidence that the OER manual was similar to learning outcomes compared to the paid manual; 3. Increase the passing rate of students; and 4. Determine student perception of the lab manual. The results show similar or improved grades when using the new OER lab manual in comparison to the paid manual, with positive student perception of the new manual.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Access the OER lab manual
  • Learn about student perception of the OER manual vs a paid manual
  • Learn about the unique demographics at our institution
  • See grade comparisons from the OER manual to prior semesters

Kinning Poon

SUNY Old Westbury
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Cultural Humility and Responsive Teaching in Allied Health Prerequisite Courses
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) Courses are often identified as gatekeeper courses because: 1- they are required for many health-related professional programs, and 2- they exhibit high withdrawal and failure rates. The success or failure of A&P coursework within our postsecondary educational system is essential to institutional achievements and our national public health. Moreover, students learning A&P for health majors may require more support than students learning the content for biology majors because of the known disparities in the course prerequisites. This lightning talk discusses embracing cultural humility as educators, recognizing that students are experts in their culture, and creating meaningful, culturally responsive content to support student success in A&P courses.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Consider cultural humility as a concept
  • Describe examples of culturally responsive teaching
  • Consider the value of student-chosen multimedia projects and peer critique
  • Describe examples of current and relevant H5P wraparound activities to support student learning with puzzles and quizzing strategies

Rachel Sanchez Thwing

Portland Community College
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Empowering Future Open Education Advocates: Lessons Learned by SUNY OER Services
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
In this lightning round, we delve into the experiences and insights gained from starting an OER Advisory Council at SUNY OER Services. attendees will explore strategies we employed for cultivating the next generation of open education leaders and advocates. We will discuss how our work to build a diverse and effective advisory board, reintroduce grant project funding, and use of data coding reinvigoration to drive engagement and enhance OER resources. This session offers practical takeaways and strategies that can be applied in your own institution to advance open education initiatives.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the key elements of building an effective and diverse advisory board to support OER initiatives.
  • Understand the impact of grant funding to advance OER projects and initiatives.
  • Explore methods to integrate modern coding practices and technologies into OER administration and assessment
  • By the end of the session, participants will have gained practical knowledge and strategies to effectively lead and advocate for OER initiatives in their own institutions, leveraging lessons learned from SUNY OER Services.

Tony Defranco

SUNY OER Services
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Enhancing Access and Equity in Open Education for Ethiopian Learners
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Access to quality education and equitable participation in educational opportunities are critical for sustainable development. However, many Ethiopian learners face barriers in accessing open educational resources (OER) and participating in open education initiatives. This research aims to investigate the current state of access and equity in open education for Ethiopian learners. By examining factors such as digital literacy, internet connectivity, and language barriers, the study will identify the challenges faced by learners. The research will also explore learner attitudes towards open education and its impact on engagement and utilization of OER. The study will propose policies, and interventions to enhance access and equity in open education. The research will involve consultations with stakeholders to gather diverse perspectives and recommendations. The study's outputs will include a comprehensive report, and policy recommendations.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the access and equity gaps in open education for Ethiopian learners.
  • Participants will identify the barriers and challenges faced by Ethiopian learners in accessing open educational resources and participating in open education initiatives.
  • Participants will explore strategies, interventions, and policies that can enhance access and equity in open education for Ethiopian learners.
  • Participants will learn about successful examples of open education initiatives and interventions that have addressed access and equity considerations in Ethiopia.
  • Participants will be equipped with practical recommendations and actionable strategies to promote inclusive and equitable access to quality education through open education approaches in Ethiopia
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Melkamu Kisi

Addis Ababa Science and Technology university
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Enhancing Accessibility by Integrating Support for Color Vision Deficiency into Your OER
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Chemistry is notable for its use of colour; designing experiments that use colour as a guide to let students know how they are doing is both: inexpensive and informs the student of their progress. This creates barriers for students with colour vision deficiency (CVD, often referred to as colour blindness), as they will not receive the same reassurance as their peers, and may feel they are performing the experiment incorrectly. CVD affects ~8.5% the world's population: protanopia (~2%), deuteranopia (~6.5%), and tritanopia (~0.01%). This session aims to highlight first-hand experiences of students/instructors with CVD and how a students-as-partners approach created optimal conditions to navigate these difficulties without the need for drastic changes to course content. While the presentation will feature concrete examples from the chemistry laboratory; the strategies and ideas presented for navigating CVD are applicable to any classroom or workplace open educational resource.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Recall the types of colour vision deficiency, including the most common type found.
  • Identify common challenges individuals with colour vision deficiency may encounter in the classroom or workplace.
  • Describe concepts, tools, modifications, and solutions which can be integrated into open educational resources to improve accessibility with respect to colour vision deficiency.

Katlyn Near

Dalhousie University

Jennifer MacDonald

Dalhousie University

Nicholas Roberts

University of Victoria
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Experimentium: A Paradigm Shift for OER Lab Courses
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Experimentium is a customizable digital OER collection that supports instructors in their implementation of chemistry lab curricula at every level of experience with science education. Novice faculty will find turn-key experiment collections suitable for select courses that can be implemented in face to face or remote classes with associated supply lists. Experimentium supports ongoing professional development for lab instructors through case studies to teach teamwork and collaboration in the labs, best practices in providing feedback, grading reports using a rubric, etc. The student experience is also enhanced through integrated chemistry, math, and scientific writing tutorials in addition to video-based experiment demonstrations, all combined in a uniformly formatted prompt that provides scaffolded learning. This talk will demonstrate the functionality of Experimentium in creating lab curricula of varying levels of customization to meet the needs of novice to expert educators.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explore the Experimentium collection of experiments and supporting resources.
  • Experience the functionality of Experimentium in practice.
avatar for Eszter Trufan

Eszter Trufan

Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Houston-Downtown
I love to experiment! That passion extends to all areas of my life from the lab to the classroom and course design. I continually work on designing classes that invite all students to experience diverse activities that help foster interest and enthusiasm for learning and science with... Read More →

Elene Bouhoutsos-Brown

lecturer, University of Houtson-Downtown
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Exploring Faculty Agency in Open Education
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Open educational practices (OEP) offer many benefits, including increased faculty teaching flexibility and opportunities for students to contribute their own perspectives to course material. However, instructors in higher education face barriers to work that isn’t explicitly valued in the promotion and tenure process, including OEP. Faculty agency, as defined by O'Meara et al. (2011), is the capacity of faculty members to actively shape and influence their work environments, professional identities, and career trajectories. OEP is often pursued because of instructors’ personal interest in open values, and while OEP benefits the university, it’s not often valued in the promotion and tenure process. In this lightning talk, the presenters will describe the preliminary data for a qualitative study they are conducting to explore faculty agency, particularly for first-year-writing and composition instructors, and how it influences instructors’ ability to pursue open educational practices.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Define faculty agency and describe its relationship to open educational practices.
  • Evaluate the institutional and societal factors that might influence faculty agency at their own institution.
avatar for Mandi Goodsett

Mandi Goodsett

OER & Copyright Advisor / Perf Arts & Humanities L, Cleveland State University
I am the OER & Copyright Advisor at Cleveland State University in Ohio. I would love to chat with others about incentive programs, publishing, professional development, and course markings.

Sean Burns

University of Kentucky
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Exploring Synergies: The Interplay of OER and Generative AI Adoption in Higher Education
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
In recent years, the landscape of higher education has witnessed an increased interest in both Open Educational Resources (OER) and the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into curriculum design. While national initiatives have promoted the adoption of OER, faculty resistance remains prevalent, posing a significant challenge to widespread implementation. Similarly, the incorporation of AI tools and technologies in educational settings has sparked curiosity and debate among educators. Amidst this backdrop, there exists an intriguing yet unexplored relationship between the adoption of OER and the utilization of Generative AI in higher education. This session will discuss preliminary data that aims to delve into the intersection of OER and Generative AI adoption among faculty members. By addressing pertinent research questions, we seek to shed light on the dynamics between these two innovative practices.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain understanding of the factors influencing faculty adoption decisions between Open Educational Resources (OER) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in higher education curriculum design.
  • Gain understanding of the relationship between OER and Generative AI adoption, discerning how the utilization of one resource may influence the decision to incorporate the other.

Emma Lanners

Open Educational Resources Librarian, Utah Tech University

Chris Healy

Utah Tech University

Munir Mahmud

Utah Tech University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Exploring the Effects of an OERs Creation Activity on Students' Learning Experiences in Game Coding
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Open educational practice (OEP) emphasizes allowing students to be information creators instead of simply consumers. One of the open educational practices is to engage students in the process of creation or adaptation of open educational resources (OER). Several studies showed that OERs have the potential of enhancing teaching effectiveness and student learning experiences in higher education. In this regard, this study explored whether the application of ORE creation activity in a class is able to enhance student learning experience in learning computer game programming. The participants were undergraduate students from a HBCU university in the eastern United States. Quantitative approaches will be applied to analyze the collected data. The results showed that the OER creation activity could significantly enhance students' perceptions of OER and self-assessment of computer programming knowledge. However, it could not significantly change student motivation in learning computer programming.


Yu-Tung Kuo

North Carolina A&T State University

Yu-Chun Kuo

Rowan University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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  Lightning Talks (View Anytime)

4:00pm EDT

Feedback in Open Textbooks: What Kind and Where Is Best?
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
The licensing of open educational resources allows for interactive questions with immediate feedback to be added to open textbooks. However, it is not clear what type and placement of feedback is most effective. In this study, 390 college and high school students were randomly assigned either correct-answer only feedback or elaborative feedback (with explanations for why the answer is correct). The questions with the feedback were either in the middle-and-end of the textbook excerpt or the end of the excerpt only. Student learning from the textbook excerpt was highest with elaborative feedback that was only at the end of the textbook excerpt. The findings were similar across groups traditionally underserved in higher education such as first-generation college students and racially-minoritized students. In addition, elaborative feedback at the end of the textbook excerpt appeared to be the most helpful across a range of students’ socioeconomic backgrounds.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe how experimental research may contribute to open education knowledge.
  • Explain the differences between correct-response only and elaborative feedback.
  • Prepare questions and feedback for revising open textbooks.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different types and placements of feedback in open textbooks
avatar for Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research, University of North Dakota
Virginia Clinton-Lisell, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research at the University of North Dakota where she is a Rose Isabella Kelly Fischer Professor. She holds a masters’ degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University... Read More →
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

History of Dagbani Wikimedians User Group
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
The Dagbani Wikimedians User Group is a not-for-profit organization promoting free knowledge through Wikipedia and sister projects. The group, mostly students and educators of all ages, is made up of 153 volunteers with a vision to increase the visibility of Dagbani and all other Gur/Mabia languages spoken in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo and Benin on the internet using Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia. The fascinating history of the group is explored in this session, tracing its origin, growth, and contributions to the Wikimedia movement. After getting the Dagbani language approved on Wikipedia in 2021 as the third Ghanaian language to be recognized by Wikipedia, the group went ahead to get three other Gur/Mabia languages (ie Gurene, Dagaare and Kusaal) recognized on Wikipedia as of March 2024, with another one (Moore) currently being incubated for approval. In fact the Dagaare language secured its approval in record time by chalking this feet in just nine months.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Appreciate the challenges encountered by the group in promoting diversity and inclusion within the Wikimedia space;
  • Learn the evolution of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group; and
  • Discuss community-building strategies and initiatives for collaboration within the context of Wikimedia projects.

Musah Fuseini

Dagbani Wikimedians User Group

Mohammed Kamaldeen Fuseini

Dagbani Wikimedians User Group
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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  Lightning Talks (View Anytime)

4:00pm EDT

I Tried to Advance an Affordability Mindset and All I Got was this Rubric: Lessons in Starting Over
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
When Tessy was hired at the beginning of 2021 as the OER Librarian, she knew her predecessor and current Scholarly Communication librarian at UTEP had put in countless hours of working on creating an Affordable Mindset on campus. She thought she could charge ahead with the current plan for Affordability, but was met with obstacles - mostly misconceptions and misinformation about what the Open movement entailed. After an eye-opening conversation in Fall 2023, Tessy decided to rework her strategy to start over and created an Affordable Mindset Rubric. This rubric is meant to help faculty address various aspects of why they are choosing certain course materials, in the hopes of fostering honest and productive conversations. She shares lessons learned as well as the rubric in this session.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Utilize or modify a rubric to evaluate course materials selected to better foster an Affordable Mindset at various institutions
  • Evaluate what the current mindset is on campus to better prepare for obstacles that hinder the Open movement
avatar for Maria Teresa Torres

Maria Teresa Torres

OER Librarian, University of Texas at El Paso
Session Type
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Infographic: FOSS and CC Licenses
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Infographics will be presented which combine the famous spectrum of Creative Commons (CC) licenses from most-free and OER to least-free and not OER with the case of free and open-source (FOSS) licenses for software. The objective is to ensure that those licensing either purely software educational resources or hybrid software/text/other educational resources (like textbooks that are Jupyter notebooks, OER textbooks with embedded H5P, educational simulations) can choose licenses in line with their intentions to be open and inclusive - to make OER. The open education community can use such instructional materials on how to license these hybrid text/code OER works with appropriate non-CC licenses: there is a need since CC has made it clear that their licenses have problematic application to software, which should be therefore licensed under a FOSS license - but many open educators are unsure of what licenses are available and how they would or would not apply to their specific use.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Be able to use the appropriate FOSS license for software that is meant to be an OER.
  • Understand the full spectrum of CC licenses, and the augmented spectrum, including public domain tools.
  • Use the infographics to help them choose which FOSS and/or CC license or domain tool to use when creating educational software or a hybrid text-software.
avatar for Jonathan Poritz

Jonathan Poritz

consultant, various
avatar for Kathryn Kure

Kathryn Kure

Founder, Data Myna
As Chapter Lead of Creative Commons South Africa, she has been deeply engaged in recommendations to Parliament regarding sorely-needed Copyright reform in terms of the Copyright Amendment Bill, and she actively advocates for tax policy changes in order to enable more open educational... Read More →

Andrew Rens

Research ICT Africa
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Integrating Global Art and Culture Through Open Educational Resources
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This presentation proposes an innovative approach to the redesign of a global survey course covering the period c. 400 – 1750 CE, aiming to challenge and expand traditional educational boundaries through the integration of Open Educational Resources (OER). By merging Western and non-Western art within a unified timeline, this course offers a more holistic view of global cultures and artistic expressions. The course structure emphasizes thematic lessons that transcend regional and chronological divisions, such as the Spanish conquest of the Americas and the repatriation of African art, highlighting the interconnectedness and consequences of colonization. This session will explore the pedagogical strategies, challenges, and successes of creating a more inclusive, engaging, and comprehensive educational experience through the thoughtful application of open resources.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the benefits and challenges of integrating Western and non-Western art within a unified timeline to provide a comprehensive global perspective.
  • Gain insights into the development and implementation of thematic lessons that address significant global issues within the context of a survey course.
  • Explore the impact of utilizing Open Educational Resources to enhance accessibility, diversity of content, and student engagement in the learning process.
  • Recognize the potential of OER in encouraging critical thinking, collaboration, and innovation among students.
avatar for James Hutson

James Hutson

Assistant Dean, Lindenwood University
Online and graduate education

Analisa Soverns-Reed

Lindenwood University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

LCTL OER-Textbooks for Southeast and South Asian languages for Digital Natives
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
At MSU, we have been developing OER textbooks such as Basic Hindi, Basic Urdu, Basic Persian, Basic Khmer, and Basic Vietnamese. After the success of these OER textbooks, we proposed a project to the IRS at the U.S. Department of Education. Our project received funding, and the objectives of this project are to develop, publish, and disseminate specialized instruction materials in the form of OER language textbooks. The proposed activities include: (i) developing OER content for multiple languages and levels textbooks for Asian LCTLs over a three-year period, for a total of 12 volumes.; (ii) convening workshops for groups of OER textbook authors to plan and initiate textbook creation; and (iii) publishing and promoting OER textbooks development in collaboration with MSU language faculty members affiliated with COTSEAL, SALTA, SEALC, SASLI, and SEASSI. These textbooks also undergo copy editing and accessibility tests to ensure these OER books follow all the accessibility guidelines.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Learn about developing LCTL OER materials and pedagogical design behind it.
  • Use the pressbook and H5P tools to develop interactive and digitally active teaching and learning materials for LCTLs.
avatar for Rajiv Ranjan

Rajiv Ranjan

Assistant Professor, Michigan State University

Vidya Mohan

Michigan State University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Navigating Ethical Considerations of Online Research to Design Open Materials for K-12
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Freely-available digital learning platforms often provide space to create and share open education resources for teachers and students (e.g., ASSISTments, Graspable Math, Upgrade, etc). Many of these technologies are also research platforms to test, improve, and share freely-available researcher-designed instructional content (e.g., Heffernan & Heffernan, 2014). However, understanding the affordances and challenges of this research, navigating ethical considerations for K-12 education research, and working through the institutional review board (IRB) process can be difficult and vary across institutions. In this session, we will present descriptive and qualitative results from an online survey distributed to IRBs across the United States to provoke a conversation on how advances in educational technologies, student privacy, and human subjects research practices must be considered to design evidence-based online open resources for K-12 education.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand considerations for doing research to develop evidence-based open education materials.
  • Recognize common themes of how this type of research is viewed by institutional review boards (IRBs) across the United States.
  • Relate their own work to this research process and implement suggestions on how to write compelling IRB applications for ethical research projects.
avatar for Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research, University of North Dakota
Virginia Clinton-Lisell, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research at the University of North Dakota where she is a Rose Isabella Kelly Fischer Professor. She holds a masters’ degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University... Read More →

Avery Closser

University of Florida
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

New to OER? Lessons Learned as an Early Career Academic
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
While many academics express a desire to create open educational resources (OERs), few do. A key barrier academics report preventing them from engaging in OER creation is a lack of in-depth understanding of the development process at an individual level. This presentation outlines individual level lessons learned about OER development from a case study of one early career academic’s experience creating OER for the first time. Analysis of the academic’s journals, critical friend meetings, and stakeholder evaluation of the OER she created, reveal barriers and facilitators encountered. Examples include: (mis)understandings about OER and how to learn about them; technology options, costs, and decisions; institutional supports; and tensions with other academic priorities. While some generic ‘how-to’ guides and macro-level analyses of OER issues exist, these contextualized first-hand lessons offer novel individual-level support for educators navigating OER creation for the first-time.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the barriers and facilitators they may likely encounter as individuals developing OER for the first time.
  • Develop a detailed and realistic plan for the development of their first OER.

Jenna Lorusso

University of Limerick

Ann MacPhail

University of Limerick
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

No Time to Author? Hiring Students as Collaborators for OER Projects
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This presentation will discuss the outcomes of a collaborative open pedagogy program which paired student workers with faculty to advance inclusive equity-based pedagogy in OER. This program, funded by our University Equal Opportunity Planning Committee (EOPC), supported a cohort of faculty and student collaborators in developing OER that better reflect our student diversity and include marginalized voices and experiences historically absent in disciplinary discourses and commercially produced textbooks. In addition to producing no-cost course materials, this program encouraged culturally responsive, inclusive pedagogy by requiring faculty to add a social justice component to their syllabus. While faculty often cite the necessary time investment as an impediment to OER development, having student assistants helped to address that issue in addition to providing an engaged learning experience for students in which they were knowledge creators rather than consumers.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain an understanding of an OER creation program model that can support faculty and student collaboration and further social justice aims.
  • Evaluate the impact of a program on student learning around open practices
  • Reflect on the effectiveness of the program on student/faculty collaborations around OER development
avatar for Christina Riehman-Murphy

Christina Riehman-Murphy

Open & Affordable Educational Resources Librarian, SPARC VPO for Open Education Leadership, Penn State University Libraries
Christina Riehman-Murphy, Associate Librarian, is the Open and Affordable Educational Resources Librarian at Penn State. She is also the Visiting Program Officer for Open Education Leadership at SPARC. She has her MSLS from Clarion University and a BA in English and Secondary Education... Read More →
avatar for Bryan McGeary

Bryan McGeary

Learning Design & Open Education Engagement Librarian, Penn State University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

OER in Preservice Teacher Education: A Case Study of Usage, Value, and Connectiveness.
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Introduction to Education is a preservice course intended to provide foundational concepts and awareness of themes to future K-12 teachers. Using the culturally responsive framework, the course and resources were intentionally redesigned to meet the needs of a diverse population, remove barriers, and promote knowledge acquisition through an OER textbook. Developed through an institutional Pressbook account, the resource includes: text, H5P activities, a podcast, videos, and knowledge checks to promote student engagement through differentiated instruction and assessments. The focus of this session is on student usage, their expressed value of the resources, and how this resource connects to current needs and trends for future educators. Links to text and activities will be provided, as well as findings associated with survey and focus group data.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify open education resources such as pressbooks and H5P as tools to promote individual and collective learning.
  • Become familiar with the intersection of OER and culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP).
  • Consider how connectivity theory can be leveraged as a tool to help students make sense of learning both individually and collectively.
  • Apply concepts from OER, CRP and connectivity theory to your context.
avatar for Kim Godwin

Kim Godwin

Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University

Karen Nourse

Middle Tennessee State University

Angela Hooser

Middle Tennessee State University

Janna McClain

Middle Tennessee State University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

OER Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Academic Librarians
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
The aims of the Open Education movement are supported by academic librarians, but it is not known how much this group is generally aware of OER and relevant concepts. A knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey was developed to measure OER competencies in academic librarians. The KAP survey is often used in allied health fields to determine a baseline by which to measure the success of subsequent educational interventions. The objective of this study was to validate a survey instrument to measure the KAP of academic librarians toward OER. Validation methods include drafting a survey instrument, determining face/expert validity, and administering the survey to three separate samples. The data was analyzed for reliability and validity. The validated survey instrument can be used to investigate the relative levels of KAP within librarian sub-groups, e.g. medical vs. engineering librarians, etc. or in a pre/post test situation within a single institution.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe the utility of an OER Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey to study an academic librarian population
  • Identify the validated research instrument as an available tool to determine baseline OER knowledge, attitudes and practices among academic librarians
  • Use the validated research instrument in their own experimental or descriptive research design across librarian groups
avatar for Kristin Whitman

Kristin Whitman

Library Director, Portland-Metro Campus, Oregon Institute of Technology
avatar for Jenn Monnin

Jenn Monnin

West Virginia University

Riley Richards

Oregon Institute of Technology
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

OERColorado Iconography: Branding that Welcomes and Defines
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
The OERColorado.org curriculum library has a strong visual presence. One core aspect of the site branding is the icons identifying each Subject, CTE and Community of Practice Hub on the digital library to organize collections. These icons follow a design guideline with two goals: to welcome and to identify. Each icon uses imagery from the Noun Project, whose goal is “a global visual language… that allows quick and easy communication no matter who you are or where you are.” That universality of communication supports the OERColorado goal of quickly matching users with resources using easy to identify icons. Although many icons may represent a given hub topic, those chosen must also welcome a diverse plurality of users, fostering a dialog between the efficiency gained by choosing tropes or stereotypical imagery, and the need to create a more inclusive space through more universal imagery. The iconography of the site represents a delicate balance between the specific and the universal.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Consider how design choices can influence user behavior
  • Discuss the role iconography plays in fostering belonging
  • Explore how goal setting in design fosters awareness and intentionality
avatar for Mallorie Klemm

Mallorie Klemm

Blended Learning Education Senior Consultant, Colorado Department of Education
Mallorie Klemm, Blended Learning Education Senior Consultant

Theresa Becker

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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Open Educational Resources for Climate Conscious Lawyers
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, It is therefore “about time” we transformed legal education to ensure the next generation of lawyers is provided training to be ‘climate conscious’ legal practitioners. Climate conscious pedagogy will require challenging conventional boundaries and ways of doing things. The development of open educational resources is crucial for equipping students to navigate a fast-paced and rapidly changing legal environment. Drawing on a survey of subject coordinators and teachers from across all Australian law schools, this presentation will shine a light on the extent to which climate change is currently being incorporated into the teaching of both compulsory law subjects and electives. The presentation will identify opportunities for developing responsive and open-access pedagogical materials and teaching practices to prepare students for their professional lives in light of the global challenge of climate change.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the current barriers to and opportunities for open-access legal education
  • Appreciate of the intersection between open-access legal education and climate justice
  • Articulate the role of responsive and accessible pedagogical materials and teaching practices in preparing students for their professional lives in light of the global challenge of climate change
avatar for Julia Dehm

Julia Dehm

ARC DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer, La Trobe University
Julia Dehm is an ARC DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer at the La Trobe Law School. Her scholarship addresses urgent issues of international and domestic climate change and environmental law, natural resource governance and questions of human rights, economic inequality and social justice... Read More →

Nicole Graham

University of Sydney

Zoe Nay

University of Melbourne
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Power of Open: A Focused Review on The Role of Open-Learning Design in Advancing MedStudent Learning
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Join our short communication session to delve into the findings from our research paper exploring the role of open-learning design (OLD) in advancing medical student learning and motivation. Discover how OLD empowers learners as co-creators of knowledge, fostering active engagement and deeper understanding. We'll discuss the strategies, benefits and challenges uncovered in implementing OLD principles in health professions education. Gain insights into the positive impact of OLD on learner engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes, while identifying key areas for further research and development. Unlock the power of open in medical education with us.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Analyze the impact of OLD on learner engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes.
  • Discuss strategies for incorporating OLD principles into educational settings effectively.
  • Recognize the importance of further research and development in enhancing OLD interventions in health professions education.

Mustafa Alshareefi

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
avatar for Konstantina Papageorgiou

Konstantina Papageorgiou

Capacity Building Education Assistant, University of Thessaly, Faculty of Medicine

Kaan Mert

Acibadem University, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Education
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Pressbooks Community of Practice: Exploring Faculty Textbook Publishing at a Community College
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
In Winter 2024, Spokane Community College’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) ran a quarter-long Community of Practice (CoP) on Pressbooks and Open Education. This CoP provided a paid opportunity to faculty from all areas of the college to come together and learn together about publishing openly licensed textbooks in a structured, hybrid format. In this presentation, Faculty Librarian Greg Bem, one of the participants of the CoP, will describe the CoP format in detail, and share his experience participating. The presentation will include Bem’s completed textbook, which was successfully created using original and remixed materials in the 10-week quarter. This presentation provides insight into the values of structured employee development, and describes how the CoP model can respond to historic inclusivity and equity concerns in the context of in-house open education publishing.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Analyze the structured hybrid format of the Community of Practice (CoP) to understand its application in open education publishing.
  • Evaluate the impact of a collaborative learning environment on the creation of openly licensed textbooks.
  • Identify strategies for addressing inclusivity and equity concerns through the CoP model in open education initiatives.
  • Examine a completed project outcome to assess the effectiveness of the CoP approach in producing open educational resources.
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Greg Bem

Spokane Community College
I am a faculty librarian at Spokane Community College. Previously I was a faculty librarian at Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech). I co-created an AI and Instruction Discord with SCC ESL Professor Zach Christman. Join here! https://discord.com/invite/WuxaGvDr
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Sharing Open Educational Resources Via a Portable Application
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
A challenge facing the American University of Nigeria (AUN) Library, located in Yola, north-eastern Nigeria, is its inability to satisfy the needs of its large community of users without affecting the quality of service it provides to the university community. To minimize the pressure on the only library with Internet facilities in the region, it developed a web-based application shared via USB flash drive, named Library-On-A-Flash (LOAF). LOAF contains OER, which may be used offline by libraries without access to the Internet It has links to reputable Databases and resources produced by two USAID and AUN-sponsored projects (TELLA and STELLAR. The application is the result of the collaboration of the Library and ITU and is used by institutions, IDPs and NGOs displaced by Boko Haram insurgencies. The projects major challenges are the capacity of the application and intensive copying and sharing. The features and content of LOAF will be demonstrated to participants during the conference.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Reduce the pressure put on their library facilities by large communities of users often common in developing countries.
  • Raise awareness on Open Access Resources, especially among libraries with scarce learning resources and poor internet connection.
  • Adopt and adapt OER for their learning and teaching to reduce the cost of textbooks.

Benson Ali

Int. University Librarian, American University of Nigeria
I am the acting University Librarian at the American University of Nigeria responsible for the day to day running of the Library and also responsible for the acquisition of digital resources. A project, known as the Textbook Affordability Initiatives was in place before the pandemic... Read More →
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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  Lightning Talks (View Anytime)

4:00pm EDT

Talented Students and Fantastic Book Covers: A Design Contest as Open Pedagogy
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Pedagogy Opened: Innovative Theory and Practice is a newly published (March 2024) openly licensed monograph with seven articles on diverse topics related to open pedagogy. Given that it’s a book about open pedagogy, it seemed only natural that the book itself would have elements of open pedagogy itself. So, with the support of her advisory board, the editor worked with a colleague to design a book cover design contest that was then implemented in an upper-level visual design course at Kennesaw State University. By providing them with few parameters, students had total freedom to apply the concepts they were learning in class to their own designs and then were given the option to openly license and publish their work, regardless of winning the contest. In this session, the editor of Pedagogy Opened and the student designer of its cover will present the logistics and results of the contest and the first-hand experience from its student winner, now a published cover designer.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Consider whether working with student designers would be an option for their in-progress and future planned OER.
  • Brainstorm considerations in implementing a design contest in their own classes and/or for their own planned OER.
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Tiffani Tijerina

Instructional Designer, Kennesaw State University

Sidney Alexander

Kennesaw State University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Thank You, OER Champion
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
As the cost of textbooks continue to rise for students, Open Educational Resources (OER) have become a particularly popular textbook affordability initiative among college faculty. In an effort to recognize the positive impact OER adopters have on students, and to further market textbook affordability, Clackamas Community College's textbook affordability librarian, Justine Munds, used a "gratitude campaign" to showcase faculty who had transitioned to teaching with OER. In this session, Justine will give an overview of the gratitude campaign that includes the research and resources that inspired it, its intended outcomes, and access to the openly-licensed resources she created so you run a gratitude campaign of your own.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe the importance of recognizing OER adoptions
  • Predict the benefits of actively celebrating OER adopters
  • Employ an OER Champion gratitude campaign of their own

Justine Munds

Clackamas Community College
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

The Doctor is In: Open to Oblivion
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This lightning talk will share the experience of an open online course which fostered an open online community, which begat an AI-powered audio chatbot, Dr. Oblivion, who was drafted as a teaching assistant. A community member built the bot as a project for an outside course. The instructors were able to put it to use in a digital storytelling where the class could experiment with and learn about generative AI applications as tools for creating narratives on the web. This serves as an example of how open educational practices can enable creativity and connection within a community. Dr. Oblivion may contribute snide commentary to the presentation.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Discuss broad benefits of open educational practices
  • Discuss potential benefits of incorporating generative AI applications into a course
avatar for Paul Bond

Paul Bond

Associate Librarian, SUNY Broome Community College
I'm into lifelong learning, open education, information literacy, and playing around on the internet. That why I became a librarian.

Jim Groom

Reclaim Hosting
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

The Open Trifecta: A Winning Combination of Pedagogy, Licensing and ePortfolios
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Many community college students experience barriers to success in first-year STEM courses. Open pedagogy practices can benefit these students, especially those who struggle as first-generation college students, encounter financial barriers, or experience cultural differences that contribute to opportunity gaps. By allowing students to demonstrate their learning in nontraditional ways, these students can be welcomed into higher education and take ownership of their educational experience. In conjunction with open pedagogy, e-portfolios allow students to showcase their work, reflect upon what they’ve learned, and create for an audience beyond their instructor. General Biology (BIOL-101) courses at Raritan Valley Community College combine a winning trifecta of open pedagogy, creative commons licensing instruction, and e-portfolio creation to give students agency over how they demonstrate their learning aligned with the course learning objectives.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand how the synergy between open pedagogy, Creative Commons licensing, and ePortfolios supports student engagement.
  • Collaborate with faculty, librarians, and career counselors to implement a comprehensive open pedagogy assessment.
avatar for Melanie Lenahan

Melanie Lenahan

Professor, Biology, Raritan Valley Community College

Megan Dempsey

Instructional Services Librarian, Raritan Valley Community College

Carrie Bazar

Raritan Valley Community College
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

The Time is Now: Exploring Archivists' Response to the Open Educational Movement
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This presentation will explore the existing literature on the intersection of the Open Education Resource (OER) movement and archival practices, with a focus on how archivists and cultural heritage professionals utilize OER language and platforms to promote the use of collections. While demand for OER grows, the willingness of archivists to seize Open Educational language and practices remains largely unexplored. There are primed opportunities for archivists to partner with OER organizations and professionals to make their materials readily available for adoption or adaptation. A review of the literature will reveal the extent to which archivists have integrated OERs into professional practices and what partnerships, if any, exist between archivists and educators to develop OERs. Findings will inform future research and practical recommendations for archivists on how to leverage OER platforms, funding, and language to promote archival collections for educational use.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify gaps in current research and propose future directions for investigation in leveraging OER for the promotion of archival collections
  • Assess the potential impact and effectiveness of leveraging OER language and platforms in promoting archival collections for educational use
avatar for Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech

Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech

Information Services Librarian, Georgia Southern University
Associate Professor, Librarian. OER Librarian. Science Librarian
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Autumn Johnson

Special Collections Librarian, Georgia Southern University
Autumn Johnson is the Special Collections Librarian and assistant professor at Georgia Southern University. In this role, she is responsible for coordinating instruction, outreach, and reference for Special Collections at the Zach S. Henderson Library. In addition, she serves as the... Read More →
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Time to Transform Courses with OER: The OERCS Initiative at National University
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
As a result of a university merger and transformation initiative, a unique opportunity presented itself to build an Open Educational Resources and Curriculum Support (OERCS) team that would be fully embedded into each course development taking place at National University. Within one year of providing tailored, hands-on OER assistance and curation for 569 course builds, the OERCS team saved students approximately $275,000 in textbook costs, shepherded the development of multiple open educational resources by university faculty and staff, and increased the adoption of OER in courses by 54%. This presentation will share successes and lessons learned in the first year of full OER and curriculum support. The presentation will also provide fodder for future direction that may be implemented at your institution as the OERCS team continues increasing the adoption, utilization, quality, and development of open educational resources at National University.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Discover ways to implement OER into course development
  • Understand how to incentivize faculty and staff to author and adapt OER
  • Develop strategies to work through challenges with OER acceptance
  • Investigate future opportunities for OER implementation and promotion

Taylor Perkins

National University

Katherine Lang

National University

Danielle Steinhart

National University

Hannah White

National University

Anastacia McCloskey

National University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Transforming the Classroom with Role Play & AI
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
Immersive role-playing experiences, such as "Reacting to the Past" games, can be a powerful way to engage students with complex historical events. However, the development process can be time intensive. This session explores how I utilized the AI language model Gemini Advanced to streamline the development of a game centered on the 1994-1995 Enola Gay exhibit controversy designed for use in college courses. With the support of an OER grant, my team initially created a long-form game that takes weeks of class time to play. I'll demonstrate how AI tools enabled me to rapidly adapt the game design, generating new character roles and supporting materials to create a short version that could be played in one session. I will also offer strategies for using AI to create role immersion games for use in class.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the potential of AI-assisted historical game design.
  • Apply strategies for tailoring AI-generated content to educational needs.
  • Design role-play elements for short-form history lessons.
  • Explain the benefits of student-centered learning activities in history courses.

Allison Belzer

Georgia Southern University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Uniting Open Educational Practices & Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: It's Time!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This session aims to engage conference attendees in a conversation about the interconnectivity between Open Educational Resources(OER) and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). A recent letter in Inside Higher Ed (2021) stated “… we are convinced that the OER movement has reinvigorated the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as the student experience in and beyond the classroom. That is more than cost savings. That is the future of education itself.” Attendees will be engaged in reflection on the role of Open Educational Practices, including OER in equitable teaching and learning. Comparisons will be made between the elements of strong SoTL that also support equitable teaching and learning. We'll also detail how persons using OER can more easily consider the scholarly approaches to their work. Exploring the similarities between these two distinct communities will provide ideas for advocacy that will attract more persons to both, and strengthen the work of both.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain an understanding of the synergies between Open Educational Resources (OER) and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and how they contribute to the enhancement of student learning experiences
  • Analyze the commonalities between effective SoTL methodologies and the principles of OER, examining how integrating these approaches can lead to more robust pedagogical practices and advocate for broader adoption within educational institutions.
avatar for Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech

Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech

Information Services Librarian, Georgia Southern University
Associate Professor, Librarian. OER Librarian. Science Librarian

Diana Botnaru

Georgia Southern University

Debbie Walker

Georgia Southern University

Kevin Reagan

Georgia Southern University
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Using Open Education Resources to Support Technical Courses
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This presentation will focus on the development and utilization of openly licensed math materials (OER) to support Technical Courses. This presentation will focus on knowledge and experience with open content and open pedagogy, strategies and tools for creating content and curriculum that is inclusive of all learners, and opportunities for funding dual enrollment projects.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explore resources dealing with open content and open pedagogy related to technical courses.
  • Discuss strategies and tools for creating content and curriculum that is inclusive of all learners.
  • Research opportunities for funding dual enrollment projects.
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Esperanza Zenon

RLOE Leadership Advisory Team, Regional Leaders of Open Education (RLOE)
Esperanza Zenon - Associate Professor of Physical Science.I am passionate about STEM Equity, and serve in several organizations focused on girls in STEM. I utilize OER in all of my courses as a way of making sure that all of my students have the course materials on day one of class... Read More →
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Using the ISAT2 to Assess the Capacity to Support Open Educational Practices Across Ontario
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
The ISAT2 is an institutional self-assessment tool to assess capacity to support open educational practices. This multidimensional instrument builds on earlier research in British Columbia Morgan et al. (2021) and the Netherlands (van Rossum & Schuwer, 2022) and assesses capacity and maturity related to: vision and implementation; partnerships, policies, and incentives; professional development; institutional supports; leadership and advocacy; and culture change. The ISAT2 is openly licensed and available in English and French. This presentation will introduce the ISAT2 while sharing preliminary findings from a survey of colleges, universities, and Indigenous institutes in Ontario, Canada.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the evolution of the ISAT & the dimensions and maturity levels of open educational practices.
  • Learn how Open Educational Practices can potentially transform aspects of post-secondary institutions, as evidenced by the themes assessed by the ISAT.
  • Identify specific strategies within each dimension of practice and maturity level for advancing support for OEP within their institutions, as illustrated by the ISAT2.
  • Access and utilize the openly licensed ISAT2: Attendees will learn how to access the ISAT2, which is openly licensed and available in English and French, for their own or their institution’s use
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Rajiv Jhangiani

Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning, Brock University

Oya Pakkal

Brock University

Robert Luke


Catherine Lachaine

University of Ottawa
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Writing Place: An Inclusive and Decolonial Open Online Textbook
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This poster presentation focuses on the creation and impact of Writing Place, an open online textbook for a multi-section first-year undergraduate scholarly writing course taught in the Faculties of Land & Food Systems and Forestry at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The overall goal of Writing Place is to support students in making meaningful contributions to scholarly conversations in their disciplines, and to consider how to share their research beyond the university. The objectives are to provide an accessible, interactive and free resource to increase equity among diverse learners; to support a decolonial approach to scholarly writing by including Indigenous Ways of Knowing, and questions for reflection about the connections between writing and place; to weave in student and marginalized voices throughout each chapter; and to support student self-efficacy and persistence.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Reflect on how they might create an open online textbook for use in their own context
  • Consider how they might integrate or adapt Writing Place: A Scholarly Writing Open Online Textbook for use in their scholarly writing classrooms
  • Consider the important process of reconciliation and decolonization through the creation and use of open education resources that challenge colonial norms and practices.

Lindsay Cuff

University of British Columbia
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Posters take many forms, but each captures a presentation's information in a static format. Posters can be viewed live on Tuesday, October 8th, or they can be browsed online in Sched anytime.
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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4:00pm EDT

Developing and Piloting Open Technology Tools for (and With) Social Work Students
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
This project focuses on developing a technology inventory through the ethnographic study of technology use, data collection, and critical digital literacy among social work students in a public, urban university in the United States. This tool is intended for use as an open access educational intervention to facilitate students’ critical examination of their technology use and data collection practice, with a deep probing of the ubiquity, risks, liability, and potential benefits of technology in social work. Its design has revealed additional insights into how students’ technology use and practices are shaped by their life contexts outside of the classroom and how this creates resource and access gaps that may impede some students’ capacity for developing critical technology literacies. The tool is part of a larger open educational project aimed at developing and disseminating open resources for social work students to better understand the role of technology in social work practice.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Hear student perspectives on an open access tools for understanding technology use in social work practice through dissemination of results of focus groups conducted with Master’s of Social Work students in practicum
  • View the prototype of the technology inventory with description of its development
  • Understand the importance of integrating assessment of students’ critical digital literacy into curriculum planning, especially with open access resources

Jamie Borgan

City University of New York Graduate Center

Ian Williams

City University of New York Graduate Center
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Lightning Talk (View Anytime)

Lightning talks are short, pre-recorded videos that can be viewed anytime during the conference. Most lightning talks will be released a week early and will remain available after the conference. Don't miss this incredible collection of quick takes!
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:00pm - 4:10pm EDT
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