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The 2024 Open Education Conference will be held as a hybrid event on October 8-10, 2024 in Providence, RI and online. Questions? Email contact@openeducationconference.org. Excited to attend? Register now.

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Tuesday, October 8

11:00am EDT

Just In Time: Creating Dynamic Open Learning Resources Using GAI
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
Historically, the development of open learning resources has been based on creating a library of static open learning resources (SOLR) that can be discovered, adapted and applied in a learning environment. This approach has suffered from numerous well-documented weaknesses: out-of-date content, obsolete technology, discoverability, context-sensitivity, localization and accessibility, up-front cost and storage overhead, and a general failure to adapt and reuse the learning materials. With the recent development of broadly effective generative artificial intelligence (GAI) this has led some to suggest that open learning resources can and should be developed at the time and point of need. The GAI could address each of the issues with SOLR by addressing it based on the learning need at the time of that need, as described by the specific prompt and the context of application. This presentation will provide an overview of the technology required to support such an approach.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify weaknesses in static open learning resources (SOLR)
  • Create dynamic open learning resources using GAI
  • Identify and address issues related to the use of GAI in open learning
Speakers Session Type
avatar for Virtual (40 min)

Virtual (40 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
  Session: Virtual

11:45am EDT

*OER to Accelerate Access to Workforce Credentials
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
In this session we will consider the unique ways in which OER can support and drive workforce credentialing programs. We will discuss OER’s adaptability and flexibility in relation to localization and customization, and also showcase the ways in which OER can be continuously improved and updated to meet changing learner and industry needs. We will focus on two exemplar categories of OER in workforce programs: (1) Durable, multi-industry skills that support student achievement; (2) industry-specific competencies required for certification and/or degrees in technical and similar fields. Finally, we will discuss practical ways that institutions, governments, industry entities, and OER producers can collaborate to create relevant and equity-centered programs accessible to all.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Develop knowledge related to microcredentials and workforce development.
  • Align the 5Rs and other OER characteristics with microcredential and workforce needs.
  • Evaluate workforce development opportunities (e.g. programs or grants) to determine if an OER solution or proposal will meet the intended outcomes.
  • Identify and pursue opportunities for industry-institutional collaboration.
  • Plan and implement productive project structures and approaches to incorporate OER into workforce development programs.

Anthony Palmiotto

Director of Products, OpenStax
avatar for Lisa Young

Lisa Young

Maricopa Community College District
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (40 min)

Virtual (40 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

1:30pm EDT

Empowering Collaborative OER Development and Undergraduate Research
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
In this session, attendees will engage in dialogue about the fundamental challenges encountered in collaborative OER development. We'll delve into a faculty member's experience using open pedagogy to guide a student through undergraduate research, resulting in a remixed OER textbook for Animal Physiology. We will describe how faculty's expertise, the student's perspective, and foundational support of an OER Librarian converge to create a multi-pronged approach to course transformation, integrating adoption, adaptation, and creation of course materials. Additionally, we'll discuss barriers students face in OER involvement, reasons to involve students as OER project partners, strategies for student funding and training, and mutual benefits for faculty-student collaboration in educational development.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Recognize the essential components of successful collaborative OER projects, including faculty expertise, student perspective, and OER principles.
  • Evaluate barriers faced by students in OER involvement, including creation, adaptation, and adoption.
  • Develop strategies for gauging student readiness for OER projects.
  • Navigate the complexity and scope of collaborative OER initiatives.
avatar for Rachael Hannah

Rachael Hannah

Associate Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage
Building a Pressbook on Animal Physiology with an undergraduate student as an educational research project.

Edward Joo

University of Alaska Anchorage

D'Arcy Hutchins

University of Alaska Anchorage
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (40 min)

Virtual (40 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

2:15pm EDT

Symbiotic Creation of an Open Textbook That Fosters the Next Generation of Open Education Leaders
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
Background: Open education resources (OER) textbooks can benefit courses, but are often unavailable for niche topics. Creation of novel OER is worthwhile but may require more effort than is feasible for a professor. Methods: We describe a novel process for engaging undergraduates (UG) in OER creation, including the strategy, roles, instructions, and potential impact of this experiential learning project. Results: Currently, 16 UG are collaborating on 7 chapters, using 7 SOPs covering source curation, citation, hyperlinks, content writing, and auditing. A modular database facilitates task sign up and monitoring. Discussion: Our approach is effective and can be refined to further serve our team and others. Engaging UG in OER creation is symbiotic and fosters future OER leaders by increasing awareness and skill-building.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe obstacles to finding OER for some academic courses.
  • Discuss the substantial effort needed to create novel OER.
  • Apply novel process for involving UG in OER textbook creation, including relevant organizational systems.
  • Create accessible OER textbook using SOPs and monitoring systems to guide the team in strategic content writing, editing, image creation, and attributions.
  • Evaluate effectiveness of OER textbook processes utilized by our team.
avatar for Nico Osier

Nico Osier

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Kylie Bui

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin

Amaniya Hayat

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin

Yoori Yoon

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin

Vedin Barve

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin

Sunwoo Kim

Osier Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

4:00pm EDT

Scaling and Sustaining Implementation of OER Materials in K-12 Settings
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm EDT
Digital Promise worked closely with community members to co-design and develop OER professional development and classroom resources for engaging secondary students in racial equity and social justice discourse. Now, these OER materials are being scaled to three districts through a cohort model in conjunction with Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to support implementation. The resources are designed to increase cultural competency, community-school connections, and feelings of belonging. This session will focus on learnings from scaling the OER materials. The presenters will share what they have learned about the supporting factors needed to use these materials and facilitate conversations around racial equity. Educators will walk away with a deeper understanding of the OER resources and the support needed to increase the adoptability and scalability of the resources in secondary schools.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the OER material “Socratic Circles to Engage in Racial Equity Discourse” and understand the support needed to implement this resource.
  • Identify the conditions that support the facilitation and implementation of OER materials in a K-12 setting.
  • Identify the ways they can implement this OER resource in their educational setting.

Kristian Lenderman

Digital Promise

Latia White

Digital Promise
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

4:30pm EDT

Empowering K-12 Education: Leveraging AI with OER for Enhanced Learning Outcomes
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
In the contemporary digital landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence with Open Educational Resources is catalyzing a revolution in K-12 education. This session will delve into how AI enhances the educational experience by providing personalized learning pathways that enhance learning outcomes for students. AI's capability to analyze vast datasets allows for the optimization of learning resources, ensuring that they meet the unique needs of each student. The presentation will not only highlight current trends and practical applications but will also engage with the future possibilities of AI in expanding the reach and impact of OER. By harnessing AI, educators can significantly enrich the learning experience, making education more accessible, personalized, and effective for every K-12 student.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • After participating in this session, attendees will be able to understand how AI and OER can be integrated into K-12 classroom instruction to personalize learning.
  • After participating in this session, attendees will be able to explore the use of AI in developing and curating tailored OER for their students.
  • After participating in this session, attendees will be able to understand the importance of evaluating the impact of AI- and OER-driven instruction and assessments and feedback mechanisms.
  • After participating in this session, attendees will be able to consider the future of K-12 education with AI-enhanced open educational resources.
avatar for Rebecca M. Henderson, Ed.D

Rebecca M. Henderson, Ed.D

Curriculum Services Supervisor, Westmoreland Intermediate Unit
I am excited to assist organizations as they develop student-centered instructional strategies that are designed to support the learning styles of today's learner.  I believe in innovation, disruption, and strategic thinking to promote continuous improvement and am dedicated to developing... Read More →
Session Type
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Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
  Session: Virtual
Wednesday, October 9

9:00am EDT

Embracing the Benefits of Digitally Interactive Open Math Resources for Instruction w/ GeoGebra
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
This interactive session will explore the potential of technology and open educational resources to create new, exciting approaches to math instruction. Through demonstrations, walkthroughs, discussions and group activities, attendees will gain insight into how to use digital interactive math OER, initiate stimulating conversations with students, distribute lessons, customize lessons with animations and simulations, and leverage technology to engage with innovative mathematics content.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Navigate collections of OER math resources.
  • Customize and curate math resources for an interactive class experience.
  • Learn how to facilitate classroom discussions through dynamic experiences.
Speakers Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
  Session: Virtual

9:30am EDT

Choosing Open Access for Books: An Author's Perspective
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
The Open Book Collective brings together libraries and small-to-medium OA scholarly books publishers from across the world via a unique consortial funding model to enable the publication of OA books with no fee. As an author, I decided in 2023 to publish my third monograph open access. This paper explores and explains how I came to this decision, and why I would urge other academics to do the same. Academics cannot be asked to bear all of the risk of transition to a sustainable open access landscape for scholarly books – but, as we stand to benefit from this transition as educators, readers, authors and human beings , I contend that we must bear some. I briefly introduce the range of small-to-medium scholarly publishers who are currently members of the OBC, and encourage authors, librarians educators to explore these high quality publishers as options to work with and support.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Select a suitable OA scholarly publisher for future work, without the necessity of a fee.
  • Explore the range of OA books and publishers currently supported by the OBC.
avatar for Judith Fathallah

Judith Fathallah

Research and Outreach Associate, Lancaster University
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
  Session: Virtual

10:00am EDT

Connecting Open Science and Open Education for an Open Europe
Wednesday October 9, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
In our journey towards fostering a more open and equitable Europe, SPARC Europe is embarking on a mission to intertwine the realms of OS and OE to support and build more equitable access to Open knowledge across scores of universities across Europe. We are keen to share the first step in this process. This presentation will allow us to discuss how to lead this change, leveraging strategic planning and capacity building to bridge existing divides and unlock synergies between these two crucial domains. We will do this by mapping stakeholders, documenting similarities and differences between the Opens at universities across Europe to also craft a compelling narrative and business case, and action plan, for a more connected open agenda in the area of Higher Education. We are laying the groundwork for a more integrated future, looking at how we can link bottom-up and top-down initiatives and action in a strategic and operational way.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Participants will be able to understand the intrinsic relationship between Open Science and Open Education, recognizing how their integration can amplify accessibility and collaboration in higher education.
  • Participants will acquire skills in effective strategic planning methodologies and capacity-building techniques essential for advancing the open agenda within their respective organizations.
  • Participants will develop the ability to identify and address organizational barriers hindering the collaboration between Open Science and Open Education, equipping them with practical strategies for fostering integration.
  • Participants will gain expertise in stakeholder mapping, enabling them to identify key stakeholders and networks crucial for driving forward the open agenda, and enhancing their ability to navigate diverse institutional landscapes.
avatar for Vanessa Proudman

Vanessa Proudman

Director, SPARC Europe
Vanessa Proudman is Director of SPARC Europe where she is working to make Open the default in Europe. Vanessa has 20 years’ international experience working with many leading university libraries worldwide as well as research institutions, foundations, international policymakers... Read More →
avatar for Paola Corti

Paola Corti

Oe Community Manager, SPARC_EU
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
  Session: Virtual

11:00am EDT

The Open Paradox: Keeping the Committee Closed to Keep the Textbooks Open
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT
If the spirit of open education is to create meaningful educational opportunities and materials that promote inclusivity, how does a single department at a small, midwestern university justify choosing to keep a small, closed committee of library and CETL staff rather than pursuing the formation of a university-wide committee to work on open initiatives such as textbook creation? In this session we will discuss the experiences, justifications, and emotions that led our committee to choose to remain agile and select. As a result of our work, we have found that a closed framework, if done with integrity, can be just as if not more effective by many standards than a university-wide committee. While unable to directly affect policy through shared governance, this small, agile group can create a movement that starts at the roots of the university and permeates in a way that top-down movements cannot.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Examine the roles and intentions of workers in an open education program
  • Describe the benefits of establishing a grassroots open education program
  • Identify the challenges of cultivating relationships on an academic campus
avatar for Emily Moran

Emily Moran

Instructional Designer, University of Wisconsin-Superior

Natasha Schumacher

University of Wisconsin - Superior

Stephanie Warden

University of Wisconsin - Superior
Session Type
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Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT
  Session: Virtual

11:30am EDT

Partner or Problem? Library-Led Affordability Services and Open Educational Resources
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
Academic librarians have historically steered clear of using collections budgets to purchase textbooks. Within the last decade that has changed. Academic librarians now willingly leverage their collections to provide no-cost solutions for required materials. These programs take on various shapes and are sometimes managed alongside OER programs and strategically employed to deliver texts when no OER options are available or used by librarians in environments where OER has no foothold. Regardless of the specifics, these programs can be seen as conflicting with the goals of OER; instead of challenging the status quo of commercial textbooks, they allow for it to continue in a new form. In this presentation, we will share survey and interview data from a recent national study on library-led affordability programs and discuss the interplay between library-led initiatives and OER efforts, advocating for a partnered, holistic approach to equity and affordability.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Attendees will understand the evolving role of academic libraries in providing affordable solutions for required course materials.
  • Participants will understand and assess the effectiveness of library collection based affordability programs.
  • Participants will be able to identify conflicts and harmonies between library collection based affordability programs and OER initiatives.
  • Attendees can evaluate strategies for starting or integrating library led affordability programs with OER initiatives to create a more wholistic and systemic approach to equitable access and affordability.
  • Attendees will come away with actionable insights into collaborative approaches to equity and affordability.
avatar for Rachel Scott

Rachel Scott

associate dean, illinois state university
Rachel E. Scott is associate dean for information assets at Illinois State University’s Milner Library, where she oversees the library’s access and technical services, collection development, scholarly communication initiatives, and cultural heritage activities. Scott conducts... Read More →
avatar for Mitchell Scott

Mitchell Scott

Coordinator of Collection Strategies, University of Kentucky
Session Type
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Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
  Session: Virtual

12:00pm EDT

Time Will Tell: Innovative Approaches to OER Student Savings Over Time
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
Library programs aimed at promoting the use of open educational resources (OER) can significantly enhance student affordability. Research shows that 70% of universities use standardized methods to determine cost savings, typically through before-and-after comparisons of course material adoption. However, these methods do not address long-term benefits, such as improved grades and dropout rates associated with OER. Additionally, quantifying OER's impact on fostering justice-oriented and student-centered teaching can be challenging. This session will explore how sustained savings fit into the greater landscape of assessment of OER/affordability programs. Presenters will share findings from an informal institution survey, as well as invite attendees to contribute their assessment practices. The aim of this presentation is to reframe the conversation around student savings, challenging both university administrators and OER practitioners to go beyond established categories.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand and explain the difference between before-and-after and sustained/compounded savings
  • Evaluate the assessment needs of OER and affordability programs at their own institutions
  • Engage in a discussion about student savings, which considers innovations and new perspectives
avatar for Lily Todorinova

Lily Todorinova

Open Educational Research Librarian, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Julia Maxwell

Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Zara Wilkinson

Rutgers University-Camden
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

2:30pm EDT

Tracking OER Awareness and Adoption in US Higher Ed and K-12 Classrooms
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm EDT
Digital classroom materials are ubiquitous across classrooms. Faculty and teachers are regularly using digital versions of textbooks, homework, quizzes and more, and the levels of use are high even for fully in-person courses. Open educational resources (OER) have become a major source for many of these digital materials, especially textbooks. This presentation reviews the level of awareness of openly licensed course materials demonstrated by teachers, faculty, and administrators using data collected from surveys conducted from 2012 through 2024. The results will be compared by grade level, from elementary school, middle school, high school, and through college. The factors associated with the growth of open licensing awareness and sentiments of the respondents will be reviewed. This project is supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The responses come from nationally representative samples of Higher Education and K-12 administrators and teachers from all fifty states.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand how awareness of open licensing has grown over time among US education
  • Recognize factors that have impacted this growth of open licensing awareness
  • Draw connections between awareness of open licensing and awareness and adoption of Open Educational Resources
  • Contextualize OER within broader digital course material adoption, including digital textbooks
  • Compare OER awareness and adoption across grade levels

Jeff Seaman

Director, Bay View Analytics

Julia Seaman

Director, Bay View Analytics
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

3:00pm EDT

Course Design on the Fly: How to Design a Role-Playing Game in 1 Hour or Less
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm EDT
Role-playing games can be a great way to get students engaged in class. Games make learning fun, promote deep learning, and can be done with OER materials. And, it's actually quite easy to write your own role-playing game(s) that is tailored to your courses and topics. In this session, we will show you the process for how to write a game, and provide with you a a game-design template. Once you know the basic process and design, you will be able to write a game on any topic in 1 hour or less. Additionally, you can teach this game-design process to students and have them write games as assignments.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Write a role-playing game on any topic, using OER materials.
  • Create game-design assignments for students.

Donald Slone

Georgia Southern University, GA, USA
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

3:30pm EDT

AI for Access: Ideas to Boost Open Learning and OER through Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
This session will explore how artificial intelligence can be applied to enhance access to open educational resources and advance equitable learning opportunities globally. Leaders in the fields of OER, AI, and accessibility will discuss innovative proposals for leveraging technologies like machine translation, personalized recommendation systems, and automated content curation to make open education available to all. Attendees will gain insight into cutting-edge approaches for using artificial intelligence to increase the discoverability, adaptation, and inclusive design of open content. They'll learn about projects aimed at reducing barriers and expanding the reach of OER through technical solutions. Examples of work piloting AI for translation, personalized pathways, and automated alternative media generation will be shared. This session presents an opportunity to engage with experts developing strategies that apply AI's potential to spread open knowledge and narrow digital divides.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Analyze how AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing and adaptive systems can be leveraged to enhance access to OER.
  • Develop innovative ideas and proposals for using AI to increase the discoverability, accessibility, inclusiveness and interoperability of OER on a global scale.
  • Evaluate the ethical considerations and technical feasibility of proposed AI solutions for advancing equitable learning opportunities through OER.
  • Understand how AI can be applied to reduce barriers to OER such as language translation, personalized recommendations and accessibility features.
  • Collaborate with others to refine proposal concepts that maximize the potential of AI to spread open education worldwide in an open and interoperable manner.

Robbie Melton

Tennessee State University
Dr. Robbie Melton, Associate Vice President for the SMART Global Technology Innovation Center and Graduate Dean and tenured professor at Tennessee State University, serves as a global researcher and international consultant for Emerging IOE (“The Internet of Everything”) Smart... Read More →

Nicole Arrighi

Tennessee State University
Session Type
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Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT

4:15pm EDT

Breakout: Global (All Wecome)
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
Session Type
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Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Empowering Global Citizens: Integrating UN Sustainable Development Goals and K-12 Open Lessons
Wednesday October 9, 2024 5:30pm - 5:55pm EDT
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals urge global action for a sustainable future for all. These goals are interdisciplinary and require collaboration within and across countries. They offer a framework for tangible progress and relevant context for developing global competence in our interconnected and interdependent world. Join us in this overview of openly licensed global competence modules from the World Affairs Council – Seattle. Lessons focused on the Sustainable Development Goals target local and global issues ranging from ensuring quality education for all to mitigating climate change. Available in multiple languages, these resources support students in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will prepare them for college, career, and civic life. Resources are located on the Washington OER Hub - Washington's platform for sharing K-12 OER and providing equitable access to standards-aligned, high-quality instructional materials.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explore some examples of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) OER lessons.
  • Locate resources on the Washington OER Hub.
  • See what’s on the horizon for future SDG lesson development
avatar for Barbara Soots

Barbara Soots

Assistant Director, Open Education & Instructional Material, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
In her role as Open Educational Resources (OER) Program Manager at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) in Washington, Barbara Soots implements state legislation directing collection of K–12 OER resources aligned to state learning standards and promotion of... Read More →

Ryan Hauck

Director, Global Classroom, World Affairs Council, Seattle

Michele Anciaux-Aoki

International Education and World Languages Advocate
Session Type
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Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 5:30pm - 5:55pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

6:00pm EDT

Time Well Spent: Crafting OER to Create High Quality ELA Materials for Underserved Students
Wednesday October 9, 2024 6:00pm - 6:25pm EDT
Just as introducing OER increased the success of students in higher education who didn't have access to textbooks, OER materials have the potential to deliver high quality materials into the hands of K-12 students who otherwise would not have them. However, if we don't learn lessons from the past, OER could be another effort that tries and fails to mitigate educational inequities. This presentation recounts lessons learned from a study of the implementation of teacher created OER resources in a 10th grade English Language Arts (ELA) classroom in a rural, high-poverty high school in spring 2024. Student and teacher voices demonstrate the importance of providing materials that have been specifically adapted by the teacher for the context of her classroom and students. In this presentation, attendees will hear from both the researcher and the 10th grade ELA teacher.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explain the importance of teacher adaptation in the use of OER.
  • Explain how teacher creation and adaptation of materials for their specific contexts can benefit both teachers and students.
  • Implement strategies for providing support to teachers in K-12 districts who create/adapt resources for their contexts.
avatar for Karen Palmer

Karen Palmer

Yavapai College

Brianne Buckley

Camp Verde High School
Session Type
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Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 6:00pm - 6:25pm EDT
  Session: Virtual
Thursday, October 10

9:30am EDT

Campus Reads: Harnessing Open Access Resources in a Digital Book Club Setting
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
Based off viral internet book clubs like Dracula Daily and Letters from Watson, ECU’s Joyner library recently started our own digital book club. Using public domain literature and open access photos we divided each story into bit-sized sections and emailed them out to students, faculty, and staff on campus who signed up for the newsletter. Our program hoped to not only promote access to knowledge but also encourage active participation and dialogue. Each semester we tried a different technique to incorporate more campus voices including partnering with the Gender Studies Program for one semester and using a magnet wall to allow students to vote on short stories. This session will share successes and failures from our first year running this program as well as detail how we navigated logistics, marketed the program, and continue to work to ensure diverse and inclusive voices while using 100+ year old texts.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Plan a virtual book club at their own institution
  • Reflect on successes and failures from our first year of this program and hopefully anticipate how similar issues might arise in their virtual book clubs
  • Understand how we prioritized diversity and inclusion when primarily using 100+ year old texts and images
avatar for Allison Kaefring

Allison Kaefring

Open Access Publishing Support Librarian, ECU- Joyner
Hello, I am the open access librarian for East Carolina University. We have been hosting a few journals for several years and are at the begining stages of creating a publishing ecosystem for open access monographs or textbooks in our library
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
  Session: Virtual

10:00am EDT

Sharing Experiences from an Open Pedagogy Faculty Fellowship
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
Are you an instructional designer, librarian or faculty partner looking to move open pedagogy forward in your community? This panel presentation is meant to share the experiences, design process, and reflections of the facilitators and faculty participants from James Madison University (Virginia, USA) after concluding a multi-semester Faculty Fellowship focused on Open Pedagogy and Social Justice. Faculty participants teach in a range of disciplines and levels from large undergraduate courses to small doctoral cohorts. During the session, Fellowship facilitators will share context on the fellowship and an openly-licensed Pressbook with information about the design model for the program. Fellowship participants will then showcase their projects and reflect on their experiences in the Fellowship and with implementing open pedagogy into their courses, including observations of student experiences.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the context and community needs specific to this Fellowship
  • Explore the logistics, design choices, and materials, including the applications, MOUs, funding model, and participant materials.
  • Engage with faculty panelists as they share their experiences, projects, and insights from participating in the Fellowship
avatar for Elaine Kaye

Elaine Kaye

Instructional Designer, James Madison University
avatar for Nicole Wilson

Nicole Wilson

Instructional Designer, James Madison University

Liz Chenevey

James Madison University

Brian Leventhal

James Madison University

Cara Meixner

James Madison University

Kristen McCleary

James Madison University

Christine Robinson

James Madison University

Pam Sullivan

James Madison University
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
  Session: Virtual

11:00am EDT

Open Education at a Crossroads
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:55am EDT
This session is designed to identify an agenda for action and research for the open education community which, we argue, is at a crossroads – building on a critical conversation begun at OER24 in March: “The future isn’t what it used to be: open education at a crossroads” (Cronin & Czerniewicz, 2024). The purpose of the session is to enable globally diverse conversations about the future of open education. In the context of the current global polycrisis, it is clear that the assumptions and foundations of open education are under threat. This moment –a crossroads– requires all parts of the open education movement to work together. In alliance with those who believe that open education is central to fighting for human rights, democracy, justice and sustainability, we (i) propose a framework of ideas for moving closer to realising those ideas, a “manifesto for open education for good”, and (ii) facilitate groupwork so that participants can collaborate to identify specific next steps.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Recognise at least some of the ways that wider global crises emerge within, impact on, and intersect with open education.
  • Articulate the five tenets of the Manifesto for Open Education for Good.
  • Take first steps in developing an agenda to take forward after the session, to work towards creating better open education and social futures.
avatar for Catherine Cronin

Catherine Cronin

Independent open scholar, self-employed

Laura Czerniewicz

University of Cape Town
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (55 min)

Virtual (55 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:55am EDT
  Session: Virtual

12:00pm EDT

Unleashing the Global Youth Impact of the IFMSA through Open Educational Resources
Thursday October 10, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) leverages Open Access to empower medical and science education worldwide. IFMSA is transforming its organizational approach towards OER and Open Access, through freely available platforms, sharing educational materials with students worldwide, extending and promoting open principles. Specifically, IFMSA works on OpenEd in: (a) Developing & Sharing resources for medical students worldwide to get educated. (b) Gathering and sharing resources, open to the public and built by other organizations. (c) Students access this knowledge and gain skills to tutor their peers, supporting open learning models globally. Data and feedback collected on resources’ usage strengthens our materials through continuous updating and improvements, ensuring ongoing sustainability and relevance for medical students. This session aims to highlight IFMSA initiatives and show how your organization can transform towards OpenEd!

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Highlight the efforts of students, especially medical students in advocating and supporting open education values by meaningfully engaging in various areas of open education.
  • Understand and familiarize themselves with the components of IFMSA's strategy to raise awareness about open education topics.
  • Understand the different approaches in the development and usage of educational toolkits to contribute to open pedagogy.
  • Access, use, and follow up on various open education resources developed by the IFMSA.
  • Outline methodologies used in IFMSA and plan similar strategies to utilize in their organizations.
avatar for Anna Liakopoulou

Anna Liakopoulou

SCORE External Affairs Assistant IFMSA, International Federation of Medical Students Associations IFMSA
Sanae Majdouli is currently a 6th-year medical student from Morocco and serving as the Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) External Affairs Assistant of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA). Since her early days in Medical School, Sanae... Read More →

Kana Halić Kordić

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations

Amr Ali

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Thursday October 10, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
  Session: Virtual
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