The 2024 Open Education Conference will be held as a hybrid event on October 8-10, 2024 in Providence, RI and online. Questions? Email contact@openeducationconference.org. Excited to attend? Register now.

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Tuesday, October 8

11:00am EDT

What to Do with Data: Increasing the Visibility of OER Work through Academic Program Review
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
Many OER programs strive to collect data about OER, textbook costs and affordability. This data is immediately useful to evaluate your OER program, plan internally, and tell stories, but how do you get it in front of decision makers? At UO Libraries, we’ve integrated textbook data into our annual and decennial university-wide program review process by using a flexible data model that lets us create customized dashboards for multiple audiences. By filtering these dashboards by department, we can provide academic leaders with ongoing, relevant, and timely data so they can set goals and monitor progress. Before 2023, the OER team had no role in the program review process. By creating these flexible dashboards, we gained greater buy-in from university admin who integrated us into program reviews; broadening our audience and increasing the visibility of our work as OER professionals.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Reflect on opportunities to incorporate OER data into existing university processes and initiatives
  • Describe the best practices for structuring data to support flexible use for different audiences and types of reporting
  • Identify strategies for making OER and library textbook affordability labor more visible to institutional leaders
avatar for Rayne Vieger

Rayne Vieger

Coordinator, eLearning and OER, University of Oregon
avatar for Allia Service

Allia Service

OER Specialist, University of Oregon
Session Type
avatar for In Person (40 min)

In Person (40 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
  Session: In Person

11:45am EDT

“You’re so Brave!”: Critical Reflections from a Black Feminist Scholar Activist in Open Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
This session will discuss the experiences of scholar activists in open education through sharing autoethnographic findings. With the increased anti-DEI and anti-justice legislation across the United States, it is critical to center stories of resistance, “resistance and..” (Roberts-Crews, 2023), as well as post-oppositionality or ways to move beyond resistance (Keating, 2013). Through Black feminist cultural analyses and using the “self as text”, this session will explore the labor of scholar activists and reveal the broader systems of oppressions that open education operates through, against, and maintains all at once. The discussion seeks to affirm scholar activists and practitioners in open education while providing audiences with specific ways to support their labor during contentious political and social times.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the experiences of activists and advocates and their vital work in the open education community.
  • Understand institutional and communal harm (both intentional and unintentional) against social justice-oriented scholars and practitioners.
  • Practices for support and solidarity with scholar activists and practitioners.
  • Strategies for scholar activists to continue their work in open education during anti-DEIJ attacks.
avatar for Jasmine Roberts-Crews

Jasmine Roberts-Crews

Lecturer, The Ohio State University
Jasmine Roberts-Crews is an educator, speaker, writer and strategic communication professional.She earned her bachelor's degree in communication studies and Spanish at the University of Michigan and her master's degree in communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.She... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for In Person (40 min)

In Person (40 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
  Session: In Person

1:30pm EDT

Putting the “Open” Back Into Massive Open Online Courses
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
Those who create MOOCs often consider the “openness” of their course simply to mean that anyone can enroll. At the University of Michigan Center for Academic Innovation, we challenge that in order for a MOOC to truly be “open”, it must be openly licensed and accessible. With over 250+ courses in our portfolio supporting learners across the globe, we will retrospectively review and discuss the positive social impact of our openly licensed, accessible courses and share our hopes for the future to continue to remove barriers to lifelong learning. We provide faculty perspectives on their motivation to create truly open learning experiences and discuss case studies on how our MOOCs have been reused. Ultimately, participants will gain insight into how to nudge stakeholders into prioritizing the “Open” in Massive Online Open Courses.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explain why “open” also means accessible
  • Amplify and advocate for accessible courses
  • Explain faculty motivations for applying Creative Commons licenses
  • Generate an elevator pitch for faculty on why they should openly license their MOOCs and other online content
avatar for Raven Lanier

Raven Lanier

Senior Copyright & Policy Specialist, University of Michigan
avatar for Caroline Damren

Caroline Damren

Copyright and Accessibility Specialist, University of Michigan
Session Type
avatar for In Person (40 min)

In Person (40 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
  Session: In Person

2:15pm EDT

An Inclusive & Mindfulness OER Music Education: Teaching “Embodied Sonic Meditation” in Higher Ed
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
This work introduces an experimental OER pedagogy of "Embodied Sonic Meditation" to teach music in higher education. From UC Santa Barbara to the University of Colorado, from in-person to online remote teaching, the author designed and taught a music technology and mindfulness arts course that can appeal to students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines from music to math, chemistry, engineering, creative literature, and fine arts. In addition to a focus on technical skills, the course provides a non-hierarchical, inclusive, open, and student-centered "maker" theme, supported by state-of-the-art technologies and mindfulness practices. Through conducting course assessments, diverse in-class/out-of-class activities, and engaging students with OER materials, sonic meditation, and group activities, students enjoyed the OER courses and provided positive evaluations. The data shows that "Embodied Sonic Meditation" effectively enhances the creative open education learning experience.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the principles and practices of "Embodied Sonic Meditation" as an innovative OER pedagogical approach in higher education in music and related interdisciplinary STEAM fields.
  • Integrate technology and mindfulness arts into their creative teaching methodologies across diverse academic disciplines to promote DEI as well as students' creativity, academic performance, and wellbeing.
  • Develop skills in creating inclusive and student-centered learning environments that foster creativity and collaboration.
  • Implement state-of-the-art OER materials, open-source technologies and mindfulness practices to enhance their teaching effectiveness and student engagement.
  • Gain insights into the effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER) in promoting creative and open education learning experiences.

Jiayue Wu

University of Colorado Denver
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
  Session: In Person

3:00pm EDT

Breakout: OER Publishing
Tuesday October 8, 2024 3:00pm - 3:45pm EDT
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid


Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 3:00pm - 3:45pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Built to Last? State Systems of Higher Education and OER Sustainability
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm EDT
In recent years, a growing number of states have been offering direct support for OER initiatives, contributing to the widespread adoption of open education across public higher education institutions. Yet, a persistent critical gap in our understanding of OER has to do with the organizational frameworks and sustainability prospects of these OER initiatives. Through a study funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Ithaka S+R conducted a case study research project assessing the impact and implementation of OER programs at and within four different state systems across the United States. This session focuses on findings from a series for 12 interviews conducted in early 2024, shedding new light on how OER leaders work towards a holistic understanding of sustainability, including insights related to assessment of effectiveness, communicating the value proposition of initiatives, risks, mission-alignment, and equity impacts.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the main risks for OER sustainability
  • Differentiate among maturity levels on sustainability spectrum
  • Understand the dynamics between state systems and their campuses when it comes to OER
avatar for Angela DeBarger

Angela DeBarger

Program Officer, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Angela Haydel DeBarger is a Program Officer in Education at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Her portfolio addresses open education, with the aim of democratizing knowledge, creating inclusive and engaging experiences for learners, and advancing racial equity in education... Read More →

Ioana Hulbert

Researcher, Ithaka S+R

Mark McBride

Ithaka S+R
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm EDT
  Session: In Person

4:30pm EDT

Maverick Collaboration: Uniting Arizona's Open Education Initiatives to Cultivate Statewide Impact
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
While many active advocates for and practitioners of open educational practices have come out of Arizona, there has been historically no true organized statewide initiative. So a few of us decided that it was about time. This presentation will share our strategy of harnessing two open education initiatives, the Open Textbooks for Rural Arizona consortium and the OERizona Network, to establish a cohesive framework representing all public institutions of higher education statewide. By judiciously utilizing grants, we're fostering collaboration towards a shared open educational vision, supporting professional development, launching a community email, hosting a materials repository, and exploring opportunities for future growth and funding. Our approach showcases the power of collective effort in advancing accessible, high-quality learning resources across a diverse state which has no 'official' statewide initiative.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify best practices for formalizing an inter-institutional network for open education
  • Describe strategies for securing institutional buy-in in circumstances of resource limitations
avatar for Megan Crossfield

Megan Crossfield

Manager, Academic Initiatives & Special Projects, Yavapai College
avatar for Matthew Bloom

Matthew Bloom

OER Coordinator, Maricopa Community Colleges
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
  Session: In Person
Wednesday, October 9

9:45am EDT

Building Open Infrastructures and Encoding Open Practices Through Communities of Care
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
The Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center supports doctoral students who teach 150,000 undergraduates each year. It has been built intentionally as a manifestation of the open education movement: in dialogue with and responsive to its constituents; imprinted with the values of openness, sharing, access, and care; and focused on building sustainable communities of inclusive practice to make life, work, and learning at the university more just. This presentation will demonstrate how various projects at the TLC encode the values of openness, including open access publishing and OER initiatives, institutes and focused inquiry groups, a major multi-campus project exploring open education at community colleges, and various collaborative programs to build open infrastructures. We’ll detail the life cycle of projects, highlighting how open practices infused each, and engage attendees in a discussion of how these practices are adaptable to different contexts.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe the values and practices that are necessary to build sustain communities of care;
  • Articulate how programs on their own campuses align with open practices;
  • Imagine revisions to existing or new programs that meet the needs of their constituents while prioritizing communities of care;
  • Connect with colleagues elsewhere to build networks of solidarity around infrastructure and strategies for open practices.
avatar for Luke Waltzer

Luke Waltzer

Director, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Preferred Gender Pronouns: He/himBio: Luke Waltzer directs the Teaching and Learning Center at the Graduate Center, where he supports graduate students in their teaching across the CUNY system and works on a variety of pedagogical and digital projects. He was previously the founding... Read More →
avatar for Laurie Hurson

Laurie Hurson

Assistant Director of Open Education, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Session Type
avatar for In Person (40 min)

In Person (40 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
  Session: In Person

11:00am EDT

Building the Boat as it Sails Down the River: The Publishing Support Team to the Rescue
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT
The ROTEL Grant project team has embarked on an innovative approach to support faculty authors through its Publishing Support Team (PST). As the first round of faculty authors were finishing their writing, it became apparent that support was needed to help faculty reach the end-goal of creating high-quality, inclusive, and accessible OER. This panel will explore the pivotal role of the PST in navigating the complexities authors face. Attendees will gain insights into the PST's comprehensive guidance, from initial content development through final publication, including content editing, media integration, and technical editing. Panelists will share their evolving roles in this innovative support model, using real-life examples to illustrate challenges overcome and opportunities leveraged in "ensuring the boat sails smoothly." Through interactive discussion, attendees will identify strategies to replicate this collaborative approach, empowering faculty authors to create impactful OER.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain knowledge of the ROTEL (Remixing Open Textbooks through an Equity Lens) Grant Project.
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Publishing Support Team (PST) members.
  • Recognize the value of collaboration and open communication among authors, the PST, and local support teams throughout the publishing process.
  • Identify strategies for effective integration of content editing, media and interactivity, and technical editing expertise to enhance the overall quality and accessibility of faculty-authored open textbooks.
  • Gain insights into the challenges and best practices of providing comprehensive support to faculty authors from the initial stages of content creation through final publication, and how the PST model addresses these challenges.
  • Identify at least 3 specific content, technical or other support needs you have for creating or adapting open educational resources based on the model presented.
avatar for Sue Tashjian

Sue Tashjian

Coordinator, Instructional Technology, Northern Essex Community College
Sue Tashjian is the Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Online Learning at Northern Essex Community College where she provides leadership for NECC’s Adopt Open project. She is co-chair of the Massachusetts DHE’s OER Advisory Council and is a member of the core planning... Read More →

Minh Le


Jessica Egan

Western Governors University

Vicky Gavin

Technical Editor, ROTEL Grant

Rick Lizotte

Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT
  Session: In Person

11:30am EDT

Empower Your Students as Open Course Content Creators
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
Adapted open content is challenging the way we think about higher education and the impact on pedagogy. Course content creation is central to this movement spurring innovative strategies to empower students as creators. But what should students know about authoring content designed for open education? Seasoned-pros and new-to-the-profession participants will find the answer in this highly relevant “train-the-trainer” session. Participants will explore how open content impacts pedagogy with particular attention to the Social Justice Framework, disposable to renewable assignments, and privacy considerations with openness. Participants will also be introduced to how Creative Commons Licenses (CCL) may be applied to open content, learning firsthand the benefits to reevaluate any apprehension they may have. They will also be able to extract new and creative applications of these concepts for use in their own instructional activities to empower students as creators of their own learning.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify how adapted open course content impacts pedagogy.
  • Apply CCLs to open content.
  • Extract new and creative applications of CCL concepts for use in their own instructional setting.
  • Have an open and freely licensed CCL activity template that they may implement in their own instructional setting.
avatar for Lori Lysiak

Lori Lysiak

Reference and Instruction Librarian, Penn State University Libraries
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
  Session: In Person

12:00pm EDT

Time to Shift: Exploring Learning Evolutions in an Open Pedagogical Assignment's Journey
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
At many institutions, budget cuts, hiring freezes, and the push to increase class sizes leads to many core courses shifting to an asynchronous online model. Faculty facing this teaching shift may feel intimidated to attempt open educational practices within this asynchronous modality. Presenters will share and compare survey data across different cohorts of students, comparing student engagement and perception of an open pedagogical assignment between those enrolled in a face-to-face course and an asynchronous, online course. Specific attention will be given to student interaction with project materials, and tutorials on openness; providing insights into perceptions of asynchronous instructional materials and an open pedagogy project. Presenters will explore challenges and opportunities involved in adapting an open pedagogy assignment to an asynchronous course and share insights into what they would have done differently to foster student success and engagement.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the significance of open pedagogical approaches in fostering student engagement and ownership of learning.
  • Reflect on the importance of instructor flexibility in adapting open pedagogical strategies to meet the diverse needs of learners in asynchronous settings.
  • Identify potential challenges and opportunities associated with adapting open pedagogical approaches to asynchronous course formats, and develop proactive strategies to address them.
avatar for Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech

Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech

Information Services Librarian, Georgia Southern University
Associate Professor, Librarian. OER Librarian. Science Librarian
avatar for Autumn Johnson

Autumn Johnson

Special Collections Librarian, Georgia Southern University
Autumn Johnson is the Special Collections Librarian and assistant professor at Georgia Southern University. In this role, she is responsible for coordinating instruction, outreach, and reference for Special Collections at the Zach S. Henderson Library. In addition, she serves as the... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
  Session: In Person

3:30pm EDT

Enhancing Education Through Targeted Professional Development: A Case Study on OER Implementation
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
This session explores a structured professional development approach designed to enhance Open Educational Resources (OER) implementation in higher education. It focuses on a model developed by Achieving the Dream, The Tennessee Board of Regents, and SRI Education, featuring a Summer Institute and a facilitated Community of Practice. This initiative supports faculty new to OER by pairing them with OER champions, fostering a collaborative environment for sustainable course design and teaching innovations while also providing sustained support throughout the lifecycle of their projects.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the structure and benefits of a Summer Institute as a professional development model for implementing OER in higher education settings.
  • Recognize the role of experienced OER champions in mentoring faculty new to OER and how this can enhance the adoption and integration of open resources.
  • Identify effective strategies for sustaining a Community of Practice to support ongoing development and problem-solving among faculty implementing OER.
  • Gain insights into overcoming common challenges in OER course design through collaborative learning and peer support.
  • Apply lessons learned from case studies and peer experiences to plan and execute OER initiatives within their own institutions.

Susan Adams

Achieving the Dream

Nancy Stano

Austin Community College
avatar for April Crenshaw

April Crenshaw

Associate Professor, Chattanooga State Community College
April Crenshaw is an Associate Professor of Mathematics with two decades of combined experience in K-12 and higher education. An award-winning educator and sought-after conference speaker, she has gained national recognition for her innovative and inclusive teaching methods. Professor... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Virtual (25 min)

Virtual (25 min)

Virtual sessions take place in Zoom. If you've attended the OpenEd conference before, this format will be familiar! Virtual sessions are recorded and posted by the next day. All attendees (including those in Providence) are welcome to join virtual sessions.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
  Session: Virtual

4:15pm EDT

Breakout: Latin America & the Caribbean
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid


Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
Thursday, October 10

9:00am EDT

Managing AI with an OER Ethos in Online Math Classes
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
Artificial Intelligence is here! So... how are we supposed to handle it? This session will outline a blend of digital and analog strategies to manage AI use in first-year online and in-person math courses. We'll focus on struggles and successes with crafting assignments with an OER mindset that help to nudge students away from knee-jerk AI use and toward the kind of productive study habits we would all like to see more of in our first-year students. In addition to project work, several different forms of "math journaling" in written and digital formats have been both effective and popular with students.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Mitigate unintended student AI use through assignment design.
  • Engage with sample student "math journaling" work.
  • Participate in conversation exploring and expanding these themes.

George Birthisel

Part-time faculty member, Math, Bridgewater State University
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
  Session: In Person

9:30am EDT

Interactive Writing Practice: Using H5P in our First-Year Writing OER Textbook
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
In 2018, we transitioned our First-Year Writing (FYW) classrooms to OER-only materials to support all students and replace traditional textbooks. Our OER, A Guide to Rhetoric, Genre, and Success in First-Year Writing, was collaboratively developed by full-and part-time faculty at our urban university with the guidance of librarians and instructional content designers. In 2023, we received university support to create interactive ancillary materials using Pressbooks and H5P. These include quizzes, editing exercises, skill reviews, and case studies, offering students practice without grading pressure. Our presentation will detail the creation process (including challenges and constraints), offer examples of curriculum integration, share student survey responses, and invite audience discussion and feedback.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explore existing H5P repositories and OERs
  • Create an interactive activity using H5P in Pressbooks
  • Develop Creative Commons licenses for remixed H5P interactive content
  • Integrate the interactive H5P activity into a lesson
  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of creating interactive materials using H5P

Melanie Gagich

Cleveland State University

Emilie Zickel

Cleveland State University
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
  Session: In Person

10:00am EDT

OER and Spanish as a Heritage Language Education: Embracing Linguistic Diversity?
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
Over the past decade, there has been a notable surge in Open Education Resources (OER) for the instruction of Spanish as a Heritage Language (Duran & Meiners 2019; Vaño García 2023). These resources aim to align with core objectives within the field (Beaudrie & Vergara Wilson 2022) while enhancing accessibility to relevant content for Hispanic learners from diverse backgrounds. Despite the proliferation of such resources, current research lacks an in-depth examination of OER, particularly in their treatment of linguistic diversity. This qualitative study seeks to fill this gap by presenting an analytical framework to assess ten OER for SHL instruction; the study seeks to explain how these OER depict, exemplify, and validate Spanish language variation, focusing on the integration of Spanish varieties, their perspectives on language contact phenomena, and the extent to which they foster critical language awareness through content, language samples, and activities.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Become familiar with current OER dedicated to teaching and learning Spanish as a Heritage Language (SHL)
  • Understand how OER integrate current frameworks in Heritage Language Education
  • Understand how OER in SHL deal with topics of linguistic diversity, language contact, and critical language awareness, all components of main goals in Heritage Language Education.

Flavia Belpoliti

Texas A&M Commerce
Session Type
avatar for In Person (25 min)

In Person (25 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
  Session: In Person

11:00am EDT

You Gotta Organize to Maximize: Emergent Strategy and Future Plans at DOERS
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
Organizations often start as a group of folks with a great idea getting together, and Driving OER Sustainability for Student Success (DOERS) Collaborative was one of these organizations. After a couple of years, the members knew that it was about time for this organization to grow and mature! Join a panel of the 2024 DOERS Steering Committee as they share stories from a growing organization: collaboratively building a set of bylaws, incorporating theories of emergence and equity into strategic planning sessions, reassessing the entire identity of a workgroup, balancing an on-the-ground mission with a birds’-eye-view audience, and what DOERS will do next!

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Incorporate new ideas into their strategic planning processes
  • Demystify and distribute the process of creating guidelines and bylaws
  • Understand how open education organizations can grow and mature
avatar for Leslie Reynolds

Leslie Reynolds

Senior Associate Dean of Libraries, University of Colorado Boulder
avatar for Amanda Coolidge

Amanda Coolidge

Executive Director, BCcampus
avatar for Jeff Gallant

Jeff Gallant

Program Director, GALILEO/Affordable Learning Georgia
avatar for Kathy Essmiller

Kathy Essmiller

Assistant Professor, OER Librarian, Coordinstor OpenOKState, Oklahoma State University
I have grown two kids, a pack of dogs, and I love to camp in the mountains. Also happy to talk about Open Educational Resources, the arts (I am a former MS/HS band director), educational technology and instructional design, and how amazing it is to get to work in a Library.
avatar for Brad Griffith

Brad Griffith

Associate Vice Chancellor of Innovation, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
I work with public colleges and universities in Oklahoma and we have built an initiative called UpskillOK which now features over 350 micro-credentials offered by 25 of our institutions, including 120+ industry partnerships. I'm an open book and will happily share what works, what... Read More →

Liliana Diaz

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
Session Type
avatar for In Person (40 min)

In Person (40 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
  Session: In Person

11:45am EDT

Leading with Purpose: Cultivating Self-Awareness and Values-Driven Leadership in Open Education
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
Open Education leaders often adopt Servant Leadership, prioritizing serving others. Despite its fulfillment, this commitment can be draining. Leaders may neglect self-care. To empower current and future leaders, cultivating self-awareness is crucial. This involves understanding personal values and leadership identity. Participants will engage in exercises exploring values, vocational aspirations, and strategies for maintaining well-being while supporting others. The session will address financial sustainability and supporting team members in resource-constrained environments. Above all, it will guide leaders to align their practices with their values, fostering ethical leadership in open education.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Participants will assess and articulate their leadership values in open education through reflective exercises and group discussions, gaining clarity on how these values shape their leadership style and decision-making processes.
  • Participants will acquire practical strategies for maintaining personal well-being and supporting their team members and organizations. Techniques for managing emotional labor, avoiding burnout, and fostering resilience will be explored, particularly in challenging or low-resourced environments.
  • Participants will develop insights into leading authentically and aligning with their values. They will learn to integrate personal values into decision-making, communication, and team management. Through interactive activities and case studies, they will enhance their understanding of providing effective and ethically grounded leadership in service to others and the organization.
avatar for Amanda Coolidge

Amanda Coolidge

Executive Director, BCcampus
Session Type
avatar for In Person (40 min)

In Person (40 min)

In person sessions are presented live in Providence, RI. These sessions are not available to join virtually, and they are not recorded. However, speakers will post their slides and other materials in Sched for all attendees to access.
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
  Session: In Person
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