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The 2024 Open Education Conference will be held as a hybrid event on October 8-10, 2024 in Providence, RI and online. Questions? Email contact@openeducationconference.org. Excited to attend? Register now.

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Session: Hybrid clear filter
Tuesday, October 8

11:00am EDT

Dual Enrollment & OER: Addressing Student Success and Equity in K-12 Settings
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
The session will provide a unique overview of the dual enrollment landscape, particularly as it relates to the needs of dual enrollment (DE) high school students in their secondary settings and through the lens of opportunities and challenges for OER implementation. Session presenters represent the community-led GoOpen National Network, ISKME and partner, College in High School Alliance, under Foresight Law + Policy. Together they are collaborating around advancing understanding of practices and policies focused on supporting DE high school student equity and success. This includes potential leadership roles for DE high school instructors and high school librarians to take on around OER to support their students, and in addition, state policy support for dual enrollment OER. A facilitated discussion will follow to share thoughts and questions, e.g. on potential ways to support K-12 and Higher Ed collaboration in DE and ways to advance OER to equitably support students.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe barriers encountered and supports needed nationally for high school students to participate and succeed in the dual enrollment landscape
  • Describe unique contributions that high school dual enrollment instructors and high school librarians can make to support their students in the dual enrollment landscape
  • Understand barriers to undertaking an OER leadership role for high school librarians and instructors and explore potential solutions
  • Consider approaches for collaboration that include OER engagement across secondary and postsecondary contexts
avatar for Amee Evans Godwin

Amee Evans Godwin

Senior Advisor, ISKME
Senior Advisor at ISKME, I have been active in directing applied research and facilitating networks focused on open educational practice, professional learning and strategic action for over 15 years. I was the founding Program Director of ISKME's digital public library, OER Commons... Read More →
avatar for Alex Perry

Alex Perry

Policy Advisor, Foresight Law + Policy/College in High School Alliance
Alex Perry is a Policy Advisor at Foresight Law + Policy, and has spent the last decade working in policy and advocacy to advance the goals of his clients, and dedicated his career to specializing in education, appropriations, and immigration policy. He has specialized in postsecondary... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:00am EDT

Engaging OER Champions in the DOERS Equity Through OER Rubric: Purpose, Process, and Impact
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
This session will share the purpose, process, and preliminary impact of a Hewlett-funded project to engage individual institutions and postsecondary systems in using the DOERS Equity Through OER Rubric. The Rubric is a comprehensive self-assessment tool, designed to guide students, educators, and others in better understanding and acting on the equity dimensions of OER. Its goal is to enable users to integrate OER in equitable ways across higher education leading to quality and equitable student access, outcomes and success. The project funded 5 universities and one system to work through the rubric dimensions. The session will feature lessons learned in applying the rubric across multiple and diverse institutions. At a fraught moment in higher education for doing equity work, the rubric provides critical approaches for deepening understanding and broadening participation across institutions and systems.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Articulate the purpose and structure of the Equity through OER Rubric.
  • Gather concrete strategies, inspiration, and ideas for acting on the equity dimensions of OER from a variety of roles, units, and functions with attention to the student experience with OER, OER practitioners, and leadership and accountability broadly understood across institutions and systems.
  • Learn about institutional experiences with, and adaptations of the rubric and thematic outcomes through a grant-funded process.
  • Contribute ideas and feedback on enhancing the Equity through OER Rubric.
avatar for Merinda McLure

Merinda McLure

Head of the Researcher Engagement Section, University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
Merinda leads the CU Boulder University Libraries’ Researcher Engagement Section and serves as one of the Libraries’ three Open Educational Resources (OER) Co-Leads. She is the Libraries’ subject specialist and liaison librarian for CU Boulder’s departments of psychology and neuroscience; integrative physiology; and speech, language, and hearing sciences. Merinda joined the University Libraries in 2017 and has previously worked at Colorad... Read More →

Caroline Sinkinson

Teaching & Learning Librarian, CU Boulder
avatar for Robert Awkward

Robert Awkward

Assistant Commissioner for Academic Effectiveness, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education
Robert J. Awkward, Ph.D.Biographical SummaryDr. Bob currently directs a state-wide open educational resources and learning outcomes assessment program at the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. The mission of the open educational resources initiative is to increase the utilization... Read More →

Reta Chaffee

University of New Hampshire
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:00am EDT

Social Justice in Open: Rethinking Process, Partnerships, and Paradigms
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
New technologies and research around learning offer opportunities to more authentically implement social justice in Open Educational Resources. In the current paradigm, individual faculty generally receive one-time funding (and little to no technological and pedagogical support) to produce largely unreviewed products. While this paradigm is shifting to a more supported, accountable, and sustainable structure, there is a golden opportunity to reimagine OER creation practices with social justice as the foundation. In centering a social justice framework, our project compelled us to reconsider our assumptions about who, how, and what was involved in the OER creation process. To infuse redistributive, recognitive, and representational justice into our OER, we reconsidered personnel, design, and tools. Our session invites participants to imagine what placing Lambert’s Social Justice Framework at the center of OER means for the world of Open in a rapidly evolving era.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Analyze current and developing Open Educational Resources for their implementation of the three R’s of Lambert’s (2018) Social Justice Framework.
  • Assess the implications of current practices in OER development for key challenges such as quality, searchability, and sustainability.
  • Determine strategies to shift the current paradigm in OER creation to prioritize both the aspirational and the practical.
avatar for Melissa Williams

Melissa Williams

Instructional Designer, Minnesota State
Melissa Williams is an instructional designer who supports Open Educational Resource (OER) development and co-facilitates Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) that promote equitable teaching and learning across the colleges and universities of Minnesota State. Her Ph.D. in American... Read More →
avatar for Fran Kennedy

Fran Kennedy

Instructional Designer, Minnesota State
Fran Kennedy is an instructional designer at Minnesota State, where she supports the development of Open Educational Resources for both Z-TP and OTP projects. Her educational background is in English studies and higher education, and she is currently completing an Ed.D. in educational... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:00am EDT

“What Do You Do Again?” Connecting the Dots from Your Role to Open Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
Open Education work is typically categorized in one of two ways: either it's not explicitly outlined in your job description, yet you recognize its relevance across all roles, or it constitutes the primary focus of your job, necessitating communication with leaders, boards, and community partners to ensure its value and sustainability. In either case, how do you convey how open education functions within your position? Join us for a facilitated discussion where the presenters will share their experiences integrating open education effectively within their roles. Learn strategies for marketing open education to your department, organization, or community, and discover how to build connections that highlight its value in your specific context. These connections serve as a form of self- advocacy and self care, fostering understanding and community engagement with open education.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Discuss approaches to explicitly make connections between the value of open education and your role for relevant parties
  • Identify strategies to advocate for your open education work
  • Reflect on your current workload and consider where open education fits most effectively with your role

Abbey Elder

Iowa State University

Shannon Smith

University of Wyoming
avatar for Amber Hoye

Amber Hoye

Director, World Languages Resource Center, Boise State University
avatar for Amanda Larson

Amanda Larson

Affordable Learning Instructional Consultant, The Ohio State University
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:45am EDT

Building the Open Education Movement through Student Power
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
Students should be seen as key players in the OER movement because they are not only using and creating OER, but capable of fighting for it too. Join the Michelson 20MM Foundation for a presentation on our Student Fellowship to showcase the curriculum we use to train students; our curriculum covers the A - Z building blocks of cultivating students into advocates. This portion will give the audience a framework for developing effective student leaders. Then hear from our Student Fellows: Katie Wagman is pushing up against automatic textbook billing on her campus, and Abba Schwartz is building visibility for the California Zero Textbook Cost program to elevate these issues to California policy makers. Our students will also talk about some common roadblocks to effective student advocacy, sustaining student-led work, showcasing what faculty and student leadership collaboration can look like, and the importance of investing in student power.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify some common roadblocks to effective student advocacy.
  • Learn tips to sustain student-led work on your campus.
  • Understand the integral role students play in pushing the OER movement forward.
avatar for Marissa Martinez

Marissa Martinez

Senior Program Coordinator, Student Engagement, Michelson 20 Million Minds Foundation

Katie Wagman

Michelson 20MM Foundation

Abbigail Schwartz

Michelson 20MM Foundation
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT

11:45am EDT

Developing Open Educators Through K-12 and Higher Ed Connections
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
This project, funded by the Hewlett Foundation, promotes open education in Oregon’s K-12 schools through expanding the educator network with an interest in open education for equity. Faculty who train preservice teachers are invited to a paid opportunity to redesign their curriculum using OER with an equity lens. Faculty receive training, support, and grant funding to redesign their curriculum. Preservice teachers not only benefit from using OER in their courses, but also learn about opportunities to utilize open resources and practices with an equity lens in the classroom. Learn about OER connections between K-12 and higher education, the project’s goals and plan, and lessons learned during its first phase; and consider whether this model could be adapted to your context.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explain connections between K-12 and higher education for open education and equity.
  • Describe this project’s goals and plan to expand the educator network with an interest in open education for equity and consider their transferability to other contexts.
  • Describe lessons learned from this project and their transferability to other contexts.
avatar for Amy Hofer

Amy Hofer

Statewide Open Education Program Director, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Amy Hofer, Statewide Open Education Program Director, is the OER librarian for Oregon's 24 community colleges and universities. You can visit the Open Oregon Educational Resources website at openoregon.org. By night she is a fiddler and square dance caller.
avatar for Jennifer Lantrip

Jennifer Lantrip

Health Sciences Student Success Librarian, Pacific University
avatar for Kim Read

Kim Read

Education Consultant, EvolvEd Consulting
When I'm not working on learning and education projects in the higher ed and K12 realms, you can find me wandering the trails, rivers, and lakes of the Pacific Northwest and writing and recording music. You can also chat with me about my favorite breakfast spot in Bristol!
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT

11:45am EDT

Elevating Open: Uniting Equity, Inclusion, and Antiracism through Collaborative Programs
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
The Community College Consortium for OER at Open Education Global is a community of practice for educators aspiring to expand access and empower students, particularly those who are marginalized. To encourage this collaboration, the panel will spotlight open education programs that prioritize the creation of equitable, inclusive, and antiracist learning through the use of open pedagogy and instructional design, with dedicated faculty, equity consultants, and advisory coaches, to name a few. The featured programs include the Remixing Open Textbooks through an Equity Lens project (ROTEL) from Massachusetts, the Open for Antiracism program (OFAR) from California, and the Targeted Pathways project from Oregon. Two of the three programs involve both universities and community colleges, while one focuses on community colleges alone. Attendees will be prompted to identify components of the programs they can incorporate into their own work and institutions through polls and discussion.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify aspects of the highlighted programs that they can implement at their own institutions to focus on the need for equity, inclusion, and antiracism in OER.
  • Gain insight into the structure of EDI open programs that demonstrate unique and collaborative approaches.
avatar for Joy Shoemate

Joy Shoemate

Director, Online Education, College of the Canyons
Joy Shoemate is the Director of Online Education at College of the Canyons where she supports instructors’ successful integration of technology into teaching and learning to promote student success, persistence and completion in distance education courses. She also oversees the... Read More →
avatar for Heather Blicher

Heather Blicher

Director, Community College Consortium for OER, Open Education Global
Heather is the Director of the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) at Open Education Global. OEGlobal is a global, non-profit supporting the development and use of open education worldwide. Heather’s priority is to advance open education at community... Read More →
avatar for Millie Gonzalez

Millie Gonzalez

Dean, Whittemore Library, Framingham State University/ROTEL

Kimberly Puttman

Open Oregon Educational Resources
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT

11:45am EDT

Open Educational Practices and Epistemic Justice
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
How can educators use their power in pedagogically just and effective ways? How does this relate to the aims and history of pedagogy and educational institutions? Epistemic injustice refers to someone being wronged specifically in their capacity as a knower, often in ways that correspond to broader power structures within their social context (Miranda Fricker, 2007). I argue that our inherited pedagogical norms, epitomized in Freire's discussion of the "banking method" (1970), constitute epistemic injustice in the form of epistemic dispossession. This works by selectively withholding the material, cognitive, existential, cultural, historical, and social resources required for effective learning. In a system that hopes to use institutions of learning to manufacture docility under oppression, I believe that Open Educational Practices offer a well of resources for epistemically reparative teaching. My conclusion will discuss some of the strategies I have used to "open" my teaching.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Define and explain epistemic injustice and epistemic justice
  • Explain the connection between epistemic justice, pedagogy, and Open Educational Practices
  • Relate epistemically just pedagogy and Open Educational Practices to figures in the critical/liberation pedagogy movement, such as Paolo Freire and bell hooks
  • Conceptualize more "open" course design and classroom facilitation techniques
  • Design and implement a renewable assignment

Justin Leuba

Illinois Central College
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

*Leveraging OER to Enhance Equity in Dual Enrollment: Findings from New Research
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
States and institutions are leveraging dual enrollment (DE) and OER to advance postsecondary affordability and success, particularly for underserved students. Underrepresented students can benefit most from coordination of these equity-minded approaches; yet the cost of traditional textbooks may place DE out of reach of the very students who could benefit most from these opportunities. Little research documents best practices in OER implementation in dual enrollment courses. This session will provide insights from 2024 research on OER in DE, including a national overview of state OER and DE textbook policies; barriers to local OER adoption; and a playbook to guide OER and DE supporters in advocating for and integrating OER in DE—and DE in OER—at the state and local levels. The presenters will highlight approaches that support OER implementation in DE programs serving underrepresented student populations.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand how their state’s OER and dual enrollment textbook policies compare to policies nationally, and how state policies may support or inhibit integration of OER in dual enrollment programs.
  • Have a solid grasp of successes, challenges, and lessons learned from state and local efforts to integrate (1) OER into dual enrollment programming, and (2) dual enrollment into OER policies and programs, particularly in dual enrollment programs whose participants are primarily students from underserved populations.
  • Apply step-by-step guidance on advocating for and integrating OER into dual enrollment, based on state and local experience nationally. As appropriate, the playbook will identify:
  • Recognize information gaps that OER in dual enrollment advocates can address to build support for using OER in dual enrollment programs
  • Articulate arguments proven effective in persuading state and local decisionmakers to incorporate OER into dual enrollment policies and programs
avatar for Jennifer Zinth

Jennifer Zinth

Founder and Principal, Zinth Consulting, LLC
Enhancing state and local policies to support more equitable student access, participation and success. Areas of specialization include dual and concurrent enrollment, corequisite support, STEM, and computer science.
avatar for Jenny Parks

Jenny Parks

Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC)
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

It’s Time to Think Big: Alternate Visions and Models for Statewide Impact with Open Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
As open education begins to achieve traction, state- and system-level initiatives can play a significant role in developing policy and implementation paths to achieve broader goals around affordability, access, student success, and knowledge-sharing. They can establish models, align incentives, and provide infrastructure shared across system members. They can lend legitimacy and offer support, funding, scale, and collaboration opportunities around open education. But because every system is different, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to defining a winning strategy and structure for effective initiatives that achieve meaningful impact with open education. This panel discussion invites three architects of statewide initiatives to share their distinctive visions and strategic choices aiming for system-level impact. They will also compare operational approaches and lessons learned for achieving large-scale impact with open education.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand alternate visions and implementation models for operationalize support for open education on a statewide level
  • Find useful artifacts and resources practitioners and leaders may find helpful in architecting and building their own open education initiatives
  • Recognize considerations and success factors for implementing OER effectively at scale in complex organizations
  • Apply lessons learned from experienced practitioners who are leading impactful statewide initiatives supporting open education within varied political, fiscal, and organizational environments
  • Develop approaches for ensuring open education initiatives are designed in the service of broader strategic goals of state and system-level leadership
avatar for Boyoung Chae

Boyoung Chae

OER Lead, Washington State Board forTechnical and Community Colleges
avatar for Amy Hofer

Amy Hofer

Statewide Open Education Program Director, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Amy Hofer, Statewide Open Education Program Director, is the OER librarian for Oregon's 24 community colleges and universities. You can visit the Open Oregon Educational Resources website at openoregon.org. By night she is a fiddler and square dance caller.
avatar for Julie Curtis

Julie Curtis

VP Growth & Strategy, Pressbooks

TJ Bliss

Idaho State Board of Education
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

Millions Served and Billions Saved: The Impact of OER Marketing
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
Discuss actionable strategies to promote the awareness and benefits of OER with OpenStax! Raising awareness around OER can be challenging and many authors, creators, and/or advocates aren’t sure where to begin. OpenStax can help! With 70% of US colleges and universities using at least one OpenStax resource, we invite you to learn from our experience and connect with your ideal audience. Join this presentation to hear some of our experiences and obstacles, share your experiences and ideas, and ask questions. This session will include polling, storytelling, conversation, and live questions and answers designed to help attendees drive interest, increase traffic, amplify event attendance, and attract media attention. Attendees will be provided with free templates and a digital toolkit to help them get started.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Participants will gain insights into practical, affordable marketing strategies for effective promotion of OER
  • Participants will evaluate real-world examples and experiences to enhance their understanding of successful OER marketing practices
  • Participants will be equipped with actionable ideas and a foundational tool kit to improve the visibility and accessibility of open educational resources

Lindsay Josephs

Demand Generation Specialist, Rice University/OpenStax
avatar for Sarah Bidwell

Sarah Bidwell

Assistant Director, Content Marketing, OpenStax
Sarah Bidwell is a committed advocate of open education. After a decade of serving students in the classroom, she transitioned to helping other educators on a national scale through advocacy efforts and the open education movement. She helps others access high-quality educational... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

The Future of Open: A Positive Agenda for Access to Knowledge in a World with AI
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT
* As the shift to subscription models accelerates and as platforms, tools, and content are tied together, how do we prevent open educational resources from being excluded? * How can institutions committed to equity and open education offer tools, platforms and models from within the open community to compete with closed models? * What is the positive agenda for members in the open educational community in the context of the growth and adoption of big tech artificial intelligence tools? What policies and implementation choices matter to enable openness and advocate for an equitable system of access to knowledge?

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand what policy and implementation choices are available to mitigate the impact of subscription models and to support existing OER programs
  • What are the opportunities for an barriers to the creation of tools, including specific purpose AI tools within the open community to provide for an alternative to commercial tools.
  • What are the policies and advocacy opportunities for members of the open community to support more equitable access to knowledge from their specific professional communities within education, research and librarianship?
avatar for Meredith Jacob

Meredith Jacob

Project Director - Copyright, Education, and Open Licensing, PIJIP/CC USA
avatar for Apurva Ashok

Apurva Ashok

Executive Director, The Rebus Foundation, https://twitter.com/RebusCommunity
Apurva leads The Rebus Foundation and brings a tireless determination for systemic change in education at Rebus and through collaborative partnerships. She helps educational institutions build human capacity in OER publishing through professional development offerings such as the... Read More →
avatar for Hugh McGuire

Hugh McGuire

Founder and CEO, Pressbooks
Would love to connect about: system-level OER strategy, the power of creating new resources, open pedagogy, instructional design and AI. Pressbooks is an online content & courseware development platform.For years, Pressbooks has supported the authoring and adaptation of open educational... Read More →

Karen Lauritsen

Open Education Network
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:10pm EDT

2:15pm EDT

A Literature Overview: AI, OER, and Implications for Scaling Innovation
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and open educational resources (OER) holds significant potential for transforming education and scaling innovation. This presentation will offer an overview of the existing scholarly literature to describe the current landscape, including the opinions, opportunities, challenges, risks, and emerging trends. AI can play a pivotal role in enhancing the adoption, adaption, and authorship of OER, both through small experiments and larger theoretical discussions. However, AI also presents challenges and risks, including data privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and ethical implications, in addition to a broader potential impact on intellectual property rights and sustainability of the OER ecosystems. This overview will provide takeaways on the intersection between AI and OER, informing future strategies for leveraging their combined potential to drive innovation and accessibility in education and as a way to scale impact for the Open Movement.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Summarize themes, trends, and remaining questions from existing literature on the intersection between AI and OER
  • Recognize the challenges and risks associated with AI, including concerns about privacy, bias, and ethics
  • Consider the evolving landscape of educational technology research on how AI could support and enhance the adoption, adaption, or authorship of OER
  • Identify ways that AI could drive innovation toward program development in open education
avatar for Sarah Norris

Sarah Norris

Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Central Florida
Sarah Norris is Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University of Central Florida Libraries. In this role, she leads the Libraries’ Scholarly Communication and open access efforts, with an emphasis on scholarly publishing and copyright. She has presented at local, state, national... Read More →
avatar for Amanda Major

Amanda Major

University of Central Florida
avatar for Lily Dubach

Lily Dubach

Textbook Affordability Librarian, University of Central Florida

Rebecca McNulty

Instructional Designer, University of Central FLorida
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT

2:15pm EDT

From Analysis to Action: Advancing Equity Through OER
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
In this session, we will share the transformative journey of implementing the DOERS3 Equity Through OER rubric at a community college district and translating our analysis of the results into actionable change. Through a combination of storytelling and data-driven insights, we will demonstrate how our institution leveraged the rubric to assess and enhance the equity of our OER materials. Building upon this foundation, we will introduce our Equity Plus quality review program as a strategic next step toward fostering inclusivity and representation within our OER ecosystem. Join us as we explore the power of collaborative action in advancing equity through open education and discuss practical strategies for implementing similar initiatives in diverse educational contexts.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain insight into the process of implementing the Equity Through OER Rubric.
  • Understand the role of quality review programs in advancing equity within OER materials.
  • Learn about best practices for fostering collaboration and community engagement in equity-focused initiatives.
  • Identify concrete steps for implementing equity-driven strategies within open education initiatives.

Debbie Baker

OER Coordinator & Instructional Designer, Maricopa Community Colleges
avatar for Lisa Young

Lisa Young

Maricopa Community College District

Stephanie Green

Phoenix College
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT

2:15pm EDT

Project Management Approaches for Statewide OER Projects
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
Many OER practitioners find themselves in a familiar situation: their institution secures a grant for OER initiatives from the department of higher education. Securing the grant is merely the first step in a complex journey. This session will navigate the multifaceted challenges that come with managing a large-scale OER project, from the allocation of funds to the execution of project deliverables and a revision cycle. Participants will be guided through a curated set of project management tools and techniques, designed to optimize efficiency within the grant’s framework. Moreover, the workshop will address the pivotal role of adept management in ensuring project success. This session will be led by an OER Project Manager who helped lead a multi-year statewide grant project, The Ohio Open Ed Collaborative. Project work focused on reducing the cost of 20 high enrollment courses across higher ed institutions in the State of Ohio.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Effectively manage large-scale OER projects using a comprehensive project management toolset, including scope of work, timelines, Creative Commons license tracking, and reporting tools.
  • Implement actionable strategies to cultivate and maintain relationships with key stakeholders such as faculty members, steering committees, and project administrators.
  • Create and sustain a productive virtual environment for collaborative OER work, ensuring effective engagement and communication among faculty members.
  • Develop an iterative plan for the ongoing updating and maintenance of OER content, promoting continuous improvement and relevance.
  • Navigate the unique challenges of managing statewide grant projects, including building momentum within steering committees and securing continued state investment in the project.
avatar for Amanda Postle

Amanda Postle

Project Manager, The Ohio State University
With nearly a decade of service at Ohio State, my current role is Project Manager with the Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) Team, in the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation. Our team works to build excellent and affordable learning materials at Ohio State. In my role as... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT

2:15pm EDT

Synergizing Best Practices: Student Advocacy and Open Education Resources
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT
The state of student advocacy in the United States is constantly evolving, with a rising generation of Gen Z leaders using contemporary technologies, emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, and in a divided political climate. This study examined the current challenges and strategies of student advocacy in K-12 and higher education, with a focus on how student advocacy can support the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. This study summarizes learnings from 30 in-depth interviews from participants from a wide variety of community-based to national nonprofit organizations, informing how student advocacy could best be leveraged to promote and accelerate strategies around OER implementation, and vice versa - how OER could be incorporated into new workflows of student advocacy.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Delineate student advocacy workflows in youth-led and intergenerational-led nonprofit organizations
  • Apply OER best practices to incorporate into student advocacy for different types of causes
  • Leverage student advocacy for various facets of the OER movement, whether in schools, university campuses, community spaces etc.
Speakers Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Adapting Generative Learning to Open Pedagogy in a Literary Research Course
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm EDT
The presenters have created a Pressbooks-based research skills course called Strategies for Conducting Literary Research. This course was awarded an MLA-EBSCO Collaboration Prize for Information Literacy. In this presentation, the creators discuss how they incorporate generative learning strategies such as motivational design and concept mapping to support the scaffolding of skills throughout the course. The presenters explore how the scalable and adaptable nature of OERs will allow students to participate in the development of the course in real time and chart their progress by implementing the active learning techniques discussed here.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Use OER to support the development of iterative processes for student revision.
  • Adapt OER toward research in the humanities.
  • Build scaffolded assignments in an OER.
  • Use motivational design to keep students on track.
  • Include students as collaborators in building an OER.

Rebecca McNulty

Instructional Designer, University of Central FLorida

Barry Mauer

University of Central Florida
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Reconsidering Success: Equity Goals for Open Education
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:55pm EDT
Coordinators of OER development projects have effective ways of responding to perfectionism: save that idea for the next edition, the open license means that the community can improve your work, etc. When a project has equity goals in mind, though, there are additional considerations about sharing when more time in development could result in a product that is better aligned with those values. Combine these challenges with the unique opportunities and pressures that accompany working with federal funding to support OER, and it’s no wonder that authors and creators committed to equity and inclusion may be overwhelmed. This discussion will include a panel of participants who are working on ambitious OER development projects funded by the federal Open Textbook Pilot fund. We want to explore the tension between the logistics of sharing a usable product, and the process of working with an equity lens. We will do this through storytelling with live polling, as well as ample Q&A time.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Consider the relationship between working in the open and working with an equity lens
  • Analyze OER projects developed to increase equity at different higher education institutions
  • Identify challenges, and strategies for overcoming them, to support equity-focused OER projects within a multi-institution consortium
  • Explore techniques to incorporate equity into open content.
avatar for Jamie Hazlitt

Jamie Hazlitt

Associate Dean, Loyola Marymount University
avatar for Amy Hofer

Amy Hofer

Statewide Open Education Program Director, Open Oregon Educational Resources
Amy Hofer, Statewide Open Education Program Director, is the OER librarian for Oregon's 24 community colleges and universities. You can visit the Open Oregon Educational Resources website at openoregon.org. By night she is a fiddler and square dance caller.
avatar for Vince Mussehl

Vince Mussehl

Library Director, CVTC
Vince is the library director at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) - a two-year institution in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. As director, he has focused on customer service, the student experience, and student resource affordability, including open educational resources (OER). As... Read More →
avatar for Millie Gonzalez

Millie Gonzalez

Dean, Whittemore Library, Framingham State University/ROTEL

Jennifer Jordan

University of New Mexico
Session Type
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Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:55pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Winning Strategies for Building Leadership Support: OER Edition
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:55pm EDT
Winning friends and influencing others is a useful skill in open education, and doing so among executive leaders can prove invaluable for OER advocates working to secure support, funding, and sustainability for open education projects. This panel session brings together seasoned OER champions who have achieved success in educating and managing upward—building productive alliances with executive leaders to align priorities and advance open education. Representing diverse zones of influence, operating styles, institution types, and populations served by their organizations, panelists will share proven strategies and lessons learned about how to effectively engage institutional leadership to support long-term open education initiatives when institutional priorities, resources, and leadership are liable to change. To capture and promote community wisdom, this session will use an “open fishbowl” structure to invite participants to join the conversation and share their collective expertise.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify advantageous executive leadership alliances that productively advance the interests of open education
  • Implement practical tools and best practices for growing open education advocacy in the contexts of their own institutions, to enhance the effectiveness of their OER initiatives
  • Align OER initiatives with institutional goals and priorities to sustain support, Increase visibility, and maintain representation for open education at the decision-making table
  • Apply strategies for adapting to leadership transitions and ensure continued support and advocacy for OER projects with new leaders

Rebel Cummings-Sauls

Director, FLVC
avatar for Jamie Holmes

Jamie Holmes

Reference & Instruction Librarian, Tulsa Community College
avatar for Brad Griffith

Brad Griffith

Associate Vice Chancellor of Innovation, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
I work with public colleges and universities in Oklahoma and we have built an initiative called UpskillOK which now features over 350 micro-credentials offered by 25 of our institutions, including 120+ industry partnerships. I'm an open book and will happily share what works, what... Read More →
avatar for Julie Curtis

Julie Curtis

VP Growth & Strategy, Pressbooks
avatar for Jonathan Lashley

Jonathan Lashley

Academic Technology Program Manager, Idaho State Board of Education
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 4:55pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Leveraging Generative AI for Interactive and Culturally Responsive Open
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
In this presentation, we will explore the potential of generative AI in creating interactive and culturally responsive Open Educational Resources (OER). Drawing from the experience of developing the "Culturally Responsive Computing" textbook through the ROTEL grant, which teaches computer science and information technology through a cultural lens, we will discuss strategies for building traditional OER content and interactive tools using generative AI. Attendees will gain insights into the current possibilities of AI-assisted OER development and witness demonstrations of interactive AI-powered activities designed to support the textbook. Join us to discover how generative AI can revolutionize the creation and delivery of engaging, inclusive, and culturally relevant educational materials.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the potential applications of generative AI in creating interactive and culturally responsive OER content.
  • Understand strategies for building traditional OER content using generative AI.
  • Recognize the importance of incorporating cultural perspectives in computer science and information technology education.
  • Explore interactive AI-powered tools and activities that support engaging and inclusive learning experiences.
avatar for Sue Tashjian

Sue Tashjian

Coordinator, Instructional Technology, Northern Essex Community College
Sue Tashjian is the Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Online Learning at Northern Essex Community College where she provides leadership for NECC’s Adopt Open project. She is co-chair of the Massachusetts DHE’s OER Advisory Council and is a member of the core planning... Read More →

Devan Walton

Northern Essex Community College
avatar for Marilyn Billings

Marilyn Billings

Coordinator, Publishing Support Team, ROTEL Project
Please talk with me about the ROTEL (Remixing Open Textbooks with an Equity Lens) grant-funded program. As one of the consultants, I coordinate the ROTEL Publishing Support Team and serve as the faculty advisor & advocate. This program is funded by a U.S. Dept. of Education Textbook... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Searching for Wonder, or, Teaching Literature with Student-Selected Texts
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
Even when syllabi feature open resources and inclusive reading lists, we still encounter students who don’t read assigned texts. We believe the problem might stem from the way literature is brought into the classroom. Inspired by Angus Fletcher’s Wonderworks: Literary Invention and the Science of Stories (2022), we have moved away from assigning literature (and asking students to interpret it for hidden meanings). We have transformed Fletcher’s brilliant book into an open resource for use in literature courses. In Searching for Wonder, students are encouraged to choose texts according to their own goals for reading, chronicle their reading experiences, and complete creative projects that don’t require interpretation or argument. These resources were built in collaboration with an intrepid group of students in a literature survey course. Our presentation will introduce the approach through the experiences of four students in this course, with guidance on adapting the method.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Recognize the role of choice in one’s experience reading literature
  • Reflect on the value of students actually experiencing literature
  • Shift from assigned reading to student-directed exploration
  • Replace argument-driven literary analysis papers with creative assignments that students want to share with their classmates (and, perhaps, future students)
avatar for Mary Isbell

Mary Isbell

Associate Professor of English, University of New Haven
I am an Associate Professor of English and Assistant Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of New Haven. I have published on adaptation, open pedagogy, and scholarly text encoding, while also engaging students in projects guided by these principles. From... Read More →

Angus Fletcher

The Ohio State University

Tristan Onofre

University of New Haven

Gina Beattie

University of New Haven

Monica Dobson

University of New Haven

Aferdita Emini

University of New Haven
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm EDT
Wednesday, October 9

9:00am EDT

Designing for Social Justice: A Decolonial Exploration of How to Develop EdTech for Refugees
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT
In this session we share the results from a research study that reflects on the lived experiences of young refugees located in Pakistan and Rwanda when interacting with OpenEd during and following displacement. We offer a decolonial commentary on issues related to the design and development of OpenEd for refugees, noting some of the prevalent historical trends. We are guided by critical questions such as: Who designs the products? Where are they designed? How are they designed? And, which power dynamics are at play during the design process? From this, we draw on qualitative data where we explore young refugees’ experiences. We present results of a creative element which invited research participants to imagine what a liberatory OpenEd practice would look like. We recommend and open a discussion around a set of justice-centred design principles for developers of OpenEd in refugee contexts.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Critically engage with (add to, critique and analyse) a set of justice-centered design principles for OpenEd, especially in refugee contexts.
  • Reflect on one's own work in OpenEd and how it adheres to justice-centered design principles.
  • Identify elements of coloniality in OpenEd designs for refugees.

Nariman Moustafa

Open Development and Education

Aime Parfait Emerusenge

Jigsaw Education

Asma Rabi

Jigsaw Education

Noor Ullah

Jigsaw Education
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT

9:00am EDT

Embracing a ‘Spirit of Sharing’ and Using Open Education Tools for Capacity Building in Communities
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT
Open education conversations often focus on college-level teaching; however, there is a ‘spirit of sharing’ that imbues this work and has applications well beyond academia. This session will illuminate four pillars of a ‘spirit of sharing’ and invite participants to envision how they might think ‘outside of the classroom’ to apply these philosophies in their own communities, helping to share knowledge, build capacity, and foster in-person opportunities for mentoring and the nurturance of community. Following facilitators’ sharing of their own experiences with skill-sharing in non-academic settings — in makerspaces, in collaboration with community activists and advocates, in community-based educational co-ops, and in arts-based initiatives – attendees will take part in a hands-on activity and full-group discussion, allowing them to begin to imagine invigorated pathways through which they might apply open education philosophies to benefit their neighborhoods and fellow community members.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the connections between open education philosophies and other non-academic sharing-centered models of learning and community building
  • Brainstorm specific ways they might apply open educational practices and philosophies in non-academic contexts for the purposes of capacity building, mentoring, lifelong learning and fostering community
  • Determine potential collaborators for this community-based work (identifying potential grants, space sharing models, and approaches to sharing material tools and physical resources.)

Spring Duvall

Salem College

Jessica Birthisel

Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Bridgewater State Univeristy
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT

9:00am EDT

Student Partnerships in Open Education Addressing Power Dynamics and Belonging in STEM Teaching
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT
Traditional course materials are expensive. They are also biased towards white, male, heteronormative perspectives at the expense of marginalised contributors, particularly in STEM disciplines. This mis/underrepresentation results in the devaluation of student voice and identity, negatively impacting academic performance. Open Educational Resources (OERs) that are intentional in their connection with social justice can be an essential strategy in improving access and a sense of belonging in course materials as well as the classroom, enabling deeper engagement with course content. This presentation explores two innovative STEM initiatives focused on adapting and co-creating OERs in pursuit of inclusion, decolonisation, improved epistemic representation and inclusive pedagogy in the curriculum. It explores students’ perceptions of power dynamics in the process of knowledge co-creation and draws attention to issues related to institutional transformation and sustainability.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Engage with the ‘students as partners’ theoretical domain as pertains to power and belonging.
  • Draw insights on two initiatives addressing power and belonging in two different countries – South Africa and United States - and different institutional contexts.
  • Consider the unique challenges and opportunities of STEM-intensive education to pursue co-creation and collaboration across student-faculty-staff roles and create more equity and representation in STEM curriculum.
  • Engage in knowledge-sharing activities around open education initiatives for social justice with colleagues at their home institutions.
  • Acknowledge, address, and act in one’s own context regarding belonging, power dynamics, and social justice.
avatar for Sarah Stanlick

Sarah Stanlick

Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative and Global Studies and Director, Great Problems Seminar, WPI
I direct WPI’s signature first-year experience program, the Great Problems Seminar. I also advise and support global project-based learning through the Global Projects Program, and teach social science research methods for students of all backgrounds and majors in preparation for the interactive qualifying project (IQP), a 7-week project with external sponsors. I am committed to transformative and inclusive learning that engages students as active agents... Read More →
avatar for Marja Bakermans

Marja Bakermans

Teaching Professor, WPI
I possess a strong commitment to student education, and a goal of mine is to stimulate students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Recently, students and I have been on a journey to open classroom content and discussions in an interdisciplinary and inclusive way. Students... Read More →

Anna Gold

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Lori Ostapowicz-Critz

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Courtney Kurlanska

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Bianca Masuku

Junior Research Fellow, University of Cape Town

Michelle Willmers

University of Cape Town
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT

9:00am EDT

Tackling New Ways of Acquiring Skills and Producing Knowledge Beyond Theoretical Perspectives
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT
From 2017 to 2019, I conducted ethnographic research on the processes of learning and skills development using digital technologies within informal sales and repair communities in Haiti (Payen Jean Baptiste, 2022). These communities, mainly characterized by self-organization and self-management, operate according to a particular networking modus operandi named kolòn, that supports the production of knowledge and the development of skills.Much more than just a word, the term is a philosophy that underpins modes of work organization based on community of practice and the sharing economy (Wenger, 2009, Casséus and Payen, 2013). In this presentation, I will focus on the processes involved in building and maintaining this networked form of social organization, and how it contributes to the development and acquisition of new skills. I will also present the design and development of an open-source digital platform based on that model.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explain the ethnographic approach to repair communities and the link between these types of communities and digital fabrication ecosystems. Discover how communities of practice in these ecosystems helps support knowledge management and innovation.
  • Describe the concept of Kolòn and how it represents an organizational approach based on communities of practice and how this particular type of learning and doing with others in informal environment contributes to research on knowledge production.
  • Discuss the concepts of adapted technologies and technologies appropriation within socio-cultural environments of individuals and how these concepts may lead to a new way of innovation and construction of use to transform practices and design new ones.
  • Articulate the importance of taking an eco-systemic and holistic approach to understanding knowledge construction that considers cultural and historical contexts when engaging with communities.
avatar for Valérie Payen Jean Baptiste

Valérie Payen Jean Baptiste

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Geneva
I'm Valérie Payen Jean Baptiste, Doctor in Education Sciences.My research interests focus on the multiplicity of ways of accessing, acquiring and producing knowledge, and on the mediation maintained between the appropriation of digital technologies and the skills developed in relation... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:00am - 9:40am EDT

9:45am EDT

Adoption Done Well: A Panel Discussion Across Institution Types
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
In this panel discussion, representatives from a variety of institutions will tell their OER adoption story, more specifically they will share their initiatives, their faculty support systems, and their successes and challenges with implementing OER on their campuses. Panelists serve as campus representatives to AAC&U’s current OER research grant funded by the Hewlett Foundation. These campuses were identified as leaders within the OER movement, and have seen numerous adoptions across multiple divisions across their campuses. Sufficient time for audience Q&A will be provided, allowing audience members to ask questions they feel might be relevant to their own institutions.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Ask questions of seasoned OER advocates
  • Listen to OER success stories and bring back to their institutions concrete ideas to counter challenges they find on their campuses
avatar for Emily Ragan

Emily Ragan

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Excited about reimagining effective education. Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and OER Coordinator at Metropolitan State University of Denver
avatar for Arenthia Herren

Arenthia Herren

OER Librarian, Florida SouthWestern State College
avatar for Heather Miceli

Heather Miceli

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, American Association of Colleges and Universities
Heather Miceli is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Office of Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation at the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) where she is working on a project examining the implementation of OER and the outcomes for students as... Read More →
avatar for Micah Gjeltema

Micah Gjeltema

Open Education & Affordable Content Librarian, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Micah Gjeltema is the Open Education & Affordable Content Librarian within Course Materials Services at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. He supports open education activities and manages the University Libraries' Partnership for Affordable Learning Materials program.
avatar for Dr. C. Edward Watson

Dr. C. Edward Watson

Vice President for Digital Innovation, American Association of Colleges & Universities
C. Edward Watson, Ph.D. is Associate Vice President for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation with the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and formerly director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia. At AAC&U, he directs the Association's... Read More →

Chlesea James

Pima Community College
Session Type
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Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT

9:45am EDT

Collaborating with Students to Build Multimodal Open Educational Resources
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
Columbia College Chicago has developed Authoring Culture: Foundations of 21st Century Writing, an OER for teaching/learning writing in college and beyond. Authoring Culture presents 12 key concepts in writing and rhetoric that equip students to handle any rhetorical situation skillfully. In addition to providing explanations of each concept in alphabetic text, this OER provides student-made videos and podcasts that explain each concept multimodally. Authoring Culture’s creators conceived the textbook’s multimodal orientation to appeal to Gen Z users accustomed to learning from podcasts and videos. To build student-friendly podcasts and videos, the creative team recruited students to make the podcasts and videos, sometimes as part of their college writing classes. This presentation shares the process, challenges, and benefits of collaborating with students to make a student-centered textbook.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • plan and execute projects that include student collaborators.
  • anticipate challenges of collaborating with students on large scale projects.
  • articulate how to re-envision curriculum to fit changing student needs.
avatar for Brendan Riley

Brendan Riley

Coordinator of Professional Writing, Columbia College Chicago
Dr. Riley is the Coordinator of Professional Writing and an Associate Professor of English at Columbia College Chicago. 

Kim Hale

Columbia College Chicago
Session Type
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Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT

9:45am EDT

Reflections from Leadership: What It Really Takes To Run An Equitable Educational Organization
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
This session intentionally spotlights the often-overlooked aspect of embedding equity within the organizational fabric. Creating sustainable work environments is critical to the success of open initiatives and the people running and benefiting from them. Join organizational leaders and Board Directors as they share their reflections on running an equitable organization and how it manifests in team dynamics, Board interactions, strategic planning, goal setting, programming, and resource allocation. Speakers will share the lessons they learned from actively participating in and preserving cultures of care. They will reflect on their experiences participating in equity-focused strategic planning processes. What unexpected challenges and surprises have speakers encountered? Where does equity show up in leadership? Listen to this diverse and thoughtful group of leaders reflect on the business of equity and how truly embodying it can be rewarding beyond imagination.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain insight into the multifaceted nature of equity within educational organizations
  • Identify key principles of equity that are critical to the long-term success and sustainability of educational organizations
  • Discuss common challenges and barriers to implementing equitable practices within educational organizations and explore potential solutions and strategies for overcoming these obstacles
  • Be encouraged to reflect on their own practices, share insights from their professional experiences, and collaborate on actionable steps for advancing equity within their workflows and organizational settings
avatar for Amanda Coolidge

Amanda Coolidge

Executive Director, BCcampus
avatar for Apurva Ashok

Apurva Ashok

Executive Director, The Rebus Foundation, https://twitter.com/RebusCommunity
Apurva leads The Rebus Foundation and brings a tireless determination for systemic change in education at Rebus and through collaborative partnerships. She helps educational institutions build human capacity in OER publishing through professional development offerings such as the... Read More →
avatar for Hugh McGuire

Hugh McGuire

Founder and CEO, Pressbooks
Would love to connect about: system-level OER strategy, the power of creating new resources, open pedagogy, instructional design and AI. Pressbooks is an online content & courseware development platform.For years, Pressbooks has supported the authoring and adaptation of open educational... Read More →

Caitlin Gunn

Georgetown University
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT

9:45am EDT

The Cost of Doing Homework: Access Codes from a Social Justice Perspective
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
The purpose of this study is to examine student experiences with and perceptions of online homework systems with access code costs. Postsecondary students (N = 966) completed a survey about online homework systems. Most students (79.5%) indicated that they had been required to purchase an access code for an online homework system and 29.4% reported their grade was hurt because they could not afford an access code. Black students reported more courses with required access codes for homework and reported that online homework systems were more helpful than other students. Latino/a/x students were more likely to report their grades were hurt by not affording access codes than other students. First-generation students reported they avoided courses with online homework systems (36.9%) more than continuing-generation students (23.9%). Overall, the findings indicate that the cost of online homework systems is a barrier to education, and alternatives should be further developed and promoted.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the financial burden of online homework systems with purchased access codes
  • Report the inequitable requirements of purchasing access to online homework systems across racial and ethnic groups.
  • Analyze the perceived benefits of online homework systems relative to the financial cost.
  • Evaluate the need for no/low cost open online homework systems in higher education.
avatar for Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research, University of North Dakota
Virginia Clinton-Lisell, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research at the University of North Dakota where she is a Rose Isabella Kelly Fischer Professor. She holds a masters’ degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University... Read More →

Alison Kelly

University of North Dakota
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT

11:00am EDT

Decisions, Decisions: Interrogating Knowledge and Skills Needed for Open Educational Practices
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT
Open educational practices (OEP) embody learning approaches that draw on collaborative and flexible learning environments, participatory learning, knowledge creation and sharing, learner activity and agency, and open sharing. Explanations of how to plan for OEP are limited. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework (TPACK) examines the complexities of integrating technology into instruction. When OEP is layered onto TPACK, educators become aware of the content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge needed as related to open practices and consider these aspects to design more socially just learning environments. Without an intentional and critical examination of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required by OEP in specific content areas, instructors risk reducing, rather than expanding, access, participation, and equity. In this session, attendees will examine how the TPACK framework can be used to design and facilitate thoughtful, intentional, and equitable OEP.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge demands (TPACK) of open education
  • Interrogate the intersections of open educational practices and the TPACK framework through a lens of social justice
  • Identify specific open activities (pedagogies) and tools (technologies) that can be applied in various subjects and contexts (content)
  • Design thoughtful and intentional open learning environments and instruction through the TPACK framework
avatar for Stacy Katz

Stacy Katz

Open Resources Librarian, Lehman College, CUNY
I am an Associate Professor and Open Resources Librarian-STEM Liaison at Lehman College, CUNY. I initiated, developed, and oversee the Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative for the college. My research to date has focused on OER, particularly how librarians develop and support... Read More →
avatar for Jennifer Van Allen

Jennifer Van Allen

Assistant Professor, Lehman College
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT

11:00am EDT

Using Open to Create Innovative Curricula
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT
OER provides the toolbox for modernizing higher education while curriculum improvements provide the design. Since 2016 Prince George's Community College and LibreTexts have used this synergy to build new STEM courses attracting significant external support. PGCC created new engineering OER in collaboration with LibreTexts. This was the basis for a NASA grant which also modernized teaching labs. PGCC then became one of the partner institutions in the inaugural Open Textbook Pilot program. The college provided additional support. To date, there are over 60 custom textbooks which have been used by over 1000 sections and by over 15,000 students. A second NASA sponsored grant is developing STEM majors at PGCC that are coordinated with the curriculum at the University of Maryland. Relieving the textbook cost burden on students has driven OER creation, but support of new, better and up-to-date curricula is where OER really shines.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • The benefits of refocusing the OER creation on curriculum improvement.
  • How the creation and use of OER can be used to support grant proposals attracting new external funding
  • How innovative OER improves and spreads the reputation of the authors and their institution
avatar for Joshua Halpern

Joshua Halpern

Member, LibreTexts
Josh Halpern has been developing new STEM curricula with Prince George's Community College colleagues for over 18 years, first as a faculty member at Howard University and since 2017 as part of the LibreTexts OER team. Originally attracted to OER to limit costs to my students, over... Read More →

Neeharika Thakur

Prince George's Community College

Nadine Houser-Archield

Prince George's Community College
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am EDT

11:00am EDT

Building Advocacy Capacity for OER
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:55am EDT
Since it's inception, the open education movement has spread worldwide and recruited countless advocates to it's cause. However, new textbook sales models such as "Inclusive Access" programs stand to compromise the progress these advocates have made over the past several years. In order to ensure that this progress can continue, it is critical that advocates are equipped with the skills they need to drive forward open education initiatives in their local context. This session will equip attendees with foundational advocacy skills that can be used to drive change at their institutions and beyond. Attendees will learn how to "think like an advocate", including how to frame problems, set goals, develop strategies, and pitch solutions. While the skills taught can be applied to advocacy on any topic, this session will specifically center the issue of “Inclusive Access” programs and the threat these model presents to the goals of open education initiatives.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Use problem and solution frameworks to set advocacy goals.
  • Assess stakeholders and understand their motivations with respect to an issue.
  • Analyze decision-making processes and develop strategies to influence decision-makers.
  • Effectively pitch an “ask” to decision-makers and respond to challenging questions.
  • Start an advocacy plan on an issue of importance to capacity building efforts in their local context.
avatar for Hailey Babb

Hailey Babb

Open Education Project Manager, SPARC
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:55am EDT

11:00am EDT

Governing Boards and Trustees: How to Engage High-Level Decision Makers in OER
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:55am EDT
College and University Governing Boards and Trustees have fiduciary responsibility for the institutions they serve. What are the responsibilities of college and university trustees and governing boards? What is the best way to communicate and educate them about open educational resources, textbooks, and the impact high-level decisions have on the success of students? Join Dr. Tanya Spilovoy, Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges and Jeff Seaman, PhD, Researcher with Bayview Research, to explore the intersection of trusteeship and high-level decision makers’ impact on course materials. How can we work with College and University Governing Boards and Trustees to have a greater impact on awareness and use of open resources? Multiple factors are critical in an approach to Boards and Trustees, and you will be asked to create a strategic plan for board engagement.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Talk confidently about the role of governing boards and trustees of a college and/or university.
  • Plan an approach and/or communication strategy to inform board members about open educational resources, course materials, textbooks, and the impact on students.
  • Understand the data and research regarding board and trustees’ oversight regarding course materials, publishing contracts, funding, or initiatives.
  • Engage efficiently and effectively with trustees to communicate about OER

Jeff Seaman

Director, Bay View Analytics

Tanya Spilovoy

Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 11:55am EDT

11:30am EDT

A Decade of the Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN): Where Next?
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
The Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN) supports doctoral researchers from around the world working on open education topics (https://go-gn.net). GO-GN amplifies, connects and supports its members and their work in a number of ways including regular online events, face-to-face workshops, co-authoring of publications and scholarship schemes. As of April 2024, GO-GN included around 180 doctoral researcher and alumni members in addition to a wider community of more than 200 experts and friends. GO-GN celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2023. This presentation provides an update on activities and outputs, including: • Developing and modelling good practice in open research and equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) which is core to GO-GN. • Co-authored, openly licensed publications, including The GO-GN Open Research Handbook. • Outputs from the GO-GN research sprint on open education and AI. • Future GO-GN strategic direction and insights from across the network.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Have a better understanding of current doctoral research on open education topics and trends.
  • Understand the aims of GO-GN, our latest activities and how you can get involved.
avatar for Robert Farrow

Robert Farrow

Senior Research Fellow, The Open University
Senior Research Fellow @openuniversity / Open Education through a philosophical lens / Projects: @oer_hub @gogn_oer Project URLS:https://encoreproject.eu/http://go-gn.net/https://emc.eadtu.eu/emc-lm/http://oerhub.net/
avatar for Beck Pitt

Beck Pitt

Senior Research Fellow, The Open University

Carina Bossu

The Open University
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
  Session: Hybrid

11:30am EDT

Creator Fest for Affordability: An Innovative Support System for Faculty OER Curriculum Development
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT
Join us to learn how Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) has used data and the recent addition of a suite of new baccalaureate degrees to support faculty through the process of curriculum development in building Z-degrees. MCCCD established funds to support faculty interested in creating OER and zero-cost curriculum through an “OER Creator Fest.” Learn more about how MCCCD developed a scaffolded support structure, including professional development, a Canvas Course, one-on-one librarian assistance, and more to facilitate the Creator Fest.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand how to develop your own support structure to aid faculty in developing OER curriculum.

Debbie Baker

OER Coordinator & Instructional Designer, Maricopa Community Colleges

Jacqui Higgins-Dailey

Glendale Community College
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am EDT

12:00pm EDT

Building Sustainable Futures: Exploring Open Business Models in Education
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
In 2017 Paul Stacey and Sarah Hinchliff Pearson co-authored “Made with Creative Commons.” They introduced the open education world to the concept of open business models and shared case studies of businesses sharing to make the world a better place, generating revenue not for unlimited growth but to sustain the operation. Since 2017 the conversation on sustainability and open business models seems to have dissipated, and it’s a vital conversation for open education advocates to continue to have and to learn from each other. In this presentation we will share examples of sustainable open business models and share key questions to ask when developing a sustainability model. In addition, participants will actively engage in brainstorming and ideation to analyze past sustainability efforts, identify challenges encountered, and envision future possibilities.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Gain knowledge about the concept of open business models and how they differ from traditional models.
  • Participants will be introduced to case studies of businesses that have implemented open business models, demonstrating how sharing can contribute to making the world a better place.
  • Learn about the necessity of sustainability for the long-term operation of businesses in the context of open education.
  • The presentation will provide attendees with key questions to consider when developing sustainable open business models. This could include questions about revenue generation, community engagement, and impact assessment.
  • Attendees will be encouraged to continue the conversation on sustainability and open business models within the open education community. This involves learning from each other's experiences and sharing knowledge to further advance sustainable practices.
avatar for Amanda Coolidge

Amanda Coolidge

Executive Director, BCcampus
avatar for Josie Gray

Josie Gray

Manager, Production and Publishing, BCcampus
Josie is the manager of production and publishing at BCcampus. She oversees OER creation work at BCcampus and manages a project looking at sustaining shared educational resources and technologies in the B.C. post-secondary system. Josie has been learning about and teaching accessibility... Read More →
avatar for Amanda Grey

Amanda Grey

Open Education Strategist, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Chris Fernlund

Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

FrankenOER: Building Better Learning with Creative OER Creations!
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
Creating our own OER doesn’t have to be scary! Embark on an educational adventure with FrankenOER! Discover innovative approaches to stitching together existing Open Educational Resources (OER) to create new, impactful learning materials in uncharted territories. Gain insights into the process of adopting, remixing, and creating OER for educational purposes, all while engaging in lively discussions and activities tailored to your teaching or learning context. This session isn't just about learning—it's about collaboration. Share your ideas and experiences with fellow OER enthusiasts and be a part of the growing community of FrankenOER creators and adopters. Don't miss this electrifying opportunity to enhance your OER practices and bring your educational creations to life!

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Learn about innovative approaches to utilizing existing OER resources to create new ones in less-established areas.
  • Gain insights into the process of adopting, remixing, and creating OER for educational purposes.
  • Engage in discussions and activities to apply the concepts learned to their own teaching or learning contexts.
  • Collaborate with peers to share ideas and experiences related to OER adoption and creation.
avatar for Carolyn McGary

Carolyn McGary

Adjunct Professor, Metropolitan State University - Denver
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Robots Won’t Replace Us: Teaching Students to Read and Write with Generative Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
There’s a lack of consensus about how–or whether–generative artificial intelligence should be used in writing classrooms. As writing and literature professors, we were early adopters in using these tools to improve student learning and writing. We co-developed OER student training on LLMs and their uses. With our students’ consent, we use generative AI to provide formative assessments on writing. Our students want guidance from us. What are these tools? How can they be useful? When should their use be avoided? Who can students go to for help if they aren’t sure? What are the ethical concerns around these tools? This interactive presentation will provide a basic pedagogical framework for instructors starting with the development of an AI syllabus policy. We will share the AI training we require our students to complete, showing how generative AI can be used throughout the reading and writing process. Participants will consider how they can model best practices and ethical uses of AI.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Explore use cases for generative AI for reading and writing.
  • Evaluate whether these use cases are ethical and appropriate.
  • Consider a variety of approaches to AI use.
  • Determine the policy approach that most closely aligns with personal values.
  • Explore trainings and tools for students.
  • Review openly licensed trainings such as what we provide in our OER Write What Matters.
  • Consider the role of ed-tech in generative AI use.
  • Empower students to learn about generative AI in their courses.
avatar for Liza Long

Liza Long

Associate Professor of English, College of Western Idaho
I'm an associate professor of English at the College of Western Idaho. I am one of two 2024-2025 Idaho State Board of Education Generative AI Fellows. I blog about teaching and writing with generative AI at Artisanal Intelligence. 

Joel Gladd

College of Western Idaho
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Where We Are, Where We’ve Been, and Where We’re Going: The Landscape of OER Scholarship
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT
In this session, we will be highlighting a new OER research database developed by AAC&U. Modeled after the Publications on ePortfolio: Archives of the Research Landscape (PEARL) database, we have collected and cited formal publications whose main focus is on OER/OEP, and categorized and tagged each entry to enable visitors to the site to search easily. Entries were identified through database searches and collecting reports from relevant organizations. Each entry is categorized as descriptive or one of three categories of empirical research - affective, outcomes, or assessment/evaluation, and further tagged with a number of subcategories of interest. One of our research goals at AAC&U is to advance the conversation on OER beyond affordability, and having OER research collected in one database has allowed us to see how trends in OER research have shifted over time. We will collect feedback through an anonymous survey, as well as include a link to submit publications we may have missed.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Share the AAC&U OER Database with the OpenEd Community and beyond.
  • Discuss the state of OER Research in the current landscape, and review how OER research has shifted over time.
avatar for Heather Miceli

Heather Miceli

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, American Association of Colleges and Universities
Heather Miceli is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Office of Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation at the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) where she is working on a project examining the implementation of OER and the outcomes for students as... Read More →

Nathan Henton

American Association of Colleges & Universities

Jessica Chittum

American Association of Colleges & Universities
avatar for Dr. C. Edward Watson

Dr. C. Edward Watson

Vice President for Digital Innovation, American Association of Colleges & Universities
C. Edward Watson, Ph.D. is Associate Vice President for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation with the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and formerly director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia. At AAC&U, he directs the Association's... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Bridging the Divide: Exploring Open Educational Resources (OER) and Bookstore Partnerships
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm EDT
Enacting change within a higher education setting frequently poses significant challenges. Balancing the imperative of inclusive participation with the nuanced requirements of individual departments often presents obstacles for transformative initiatives such as OER. In this presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to hear insights from an OER librarian and a bookstore manager who spearheaded change at a 2-year technical college. Originating from a shared aspiration to mitigate the financial burden of textbooks and course materials, this initiative evolved into a collaborative endeavor. A pivotal component was the establishment of a Textbook Affordability Committee, which systematically evaluated conventional service provisions and remains engaged in ongoing enhancements reflective of evolving faculty and student needs. Attendees will learn actionable strategies and advocacy tools to champion their own OER and bookstore collaborations within their respective institutions.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the challenges of implementing collaborative OER initiatives in higher education, including navigating departmental interests and fostering inclusivity.
  • Gain insights into practical strategies for transforming textbook provisioning systems into collaborative OER and bookstore partnerships.
  • Develop actionable plans and advocacy skills to initiate similar partnerships within their own institutions.
avatar for Rachel Becker

Rachel Becker

Copyright & Open Educational Resources Librarian, Madison Area Technical College
Librarian currently at Madison Area Technical College working with Open Educational Resources, instruction, technology, and copyright issues. Advocating for textbook affordability, affordable education, and equitable access.EdD student at Johns Hopkins School of Education SPARC Open... Read More →
avatar for Holly Deering

Holly Deering

Manager Operations, Madison Area Technical College
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Evolving and Adapting: Reflections on a Decade of OER Implementation and Equity
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm EDT
Over the last decade, Salt Lake Community College's OER program, Open SLCC, has progressed from piloting a handful of OER courses to implementing OER in 116 courses and 15,619 total sections. This significant achievement was driven by a decentralized model, saving students an estimated $28 million in textbook costs. However, amidst the celebration, we acknowledge persistent challenges, including inequity in unpaid labor within our grassroots program. To mitigate these challenges, we discuss the process of centralization and establishment of a grant program, along with our plans to rectify unpaid and unrecognized labor from the past and create formal recognition for OER work. We will share details about the application process, guidelines, and rubric used and adapted from open community resources. Our journey underscores the importance of transparency, collaboration, continuous learning, and adjustments as we strive to foster a more equitable and sustainable open education ecosystem.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Adapt ideas for an Open Grant Application, Rubric, and Compensation & Timeline Guidelines
  • Examine the challenges of inequities and unrecognized open education labor and the implications for program sustainability.
  • Learn methods and tools used to address inequities and improve transparency.
avatar for Brenda Gardner

Brenda Gardner

Associate Professor Math, OER Faculty Fellow, Salt Lake Community College
avatar for Andrea Scott

Andrea Scott

Director, Open Educational Resources (OER), Salt Lake Community College
I'm the Open Educational Resources (OER) Director for the Office of Learning Advancement and Co-Chair of the Open SLCC Advisory Committee at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC). My primary responsibilities involve overseeing operations, including program growth, sustainability strategy... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Mind the Overlap: The Power of Open UDL
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 3:25pm EDT
Join us in this interactive workshop for a hands-on exploration of Open UDL, a new pedagogical approach at the intersection of Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that we developed for one of our advanced faculty workshops. After a short introduction to the ways UDL and OEP complement each other, we will dive into interactive group activities to map the overlap of the principles of both approaches, review assessments from various disciplines through the Open UDL lens, and develop next steps for your own Open UDL practice. There will be plenty of time for discussion, plus we will provide a digital swagbag of resources, hoping you will leave feeling inspired and equipped to explore Open UDL and apply it to your courses, programs, or instructional design practice. This workshop is designed to benefit instructors, course developers, program directors, instructional designers, and CTL staff.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Define Open UDL; ie., identifying how UDL guidelines overlap with the attributes of OER and Open Pedagogy.
  • Critique sample assignments and assessments through the lens of Open UDL.
  • Articulate one achievable next step for implementing Open UDL in their courses, their programs, or their instructional design practice.
avatar for Antonia Levy

Antonia Levy

Associate Director, Instructional Technology and Faculty Development, CUNY School of Professional Studies

Kelly Hammond

OER Assistant, Scholastic
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 3:25pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Openness As Attitude, Vulnerability as Practice: Finding Our Way With GenAI
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 3:25pm EDT
The presenters explore their uses of openness as attitude and vulnerability as a practice with educators and students discussing generative AI (GenAI) in higher education as we experiment with ways to build GenAI literacies. GenAI has been an overwhelming "shock" for many. Openness as attitude is sharing what we are doing and learning to support others in working with emerging technologies. Vulnerability as practice is our willingness to be wrong and learn from it. These strategies allow us to approach GenAI with curiosity and criticality, excitement, and concern in order to respond quickly and constructively. We will share recent examples where openness and vulnerability have helped further classroom, social media, listserv, webinar, and conference discussions of AI in higher education.. Then we will encourage participants to share how they lean into and have benefited from openness and vulnerability and discuss the concerns, risks, and challenges of learning in these ways.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Consider the degree of vulnerability that is appropriate for their own work in open education
  • Explore a variety of concrete practices to leverage openness as an attitude and assess strategies that may benefit them for their own needs
  • Discuss the challenge of sitting in the center of all the strong views about generative AI
avatar for Lance Eaton

Lance Eaton

Director of Faculty Development & Innovation, College Unbound
I read. I run. I write. Add a dash of learning, a hint of reflecting, a handful of wonder, and a smidgen of technology. Repeat. Updates on books, education, pop culture, and anything else that comes to mind!
avatar for Maha Bali

Maha Bali

professor of practice, American University in Cairo
Maha Bali is Associate Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching at the American University in Cairo. She has a PhD in Education from the University of Sheffield, UK. She is co-founder of virtuallyconnecting.org (a grassroots movement that challenges academic... Read More →

Anna Mills

College of Marin
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid (55 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:30pm - 3:25pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Fostering OER Leadership through Facilitation Pathways
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm EDT
Emerging OER leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the development of newcomers to open. Despite the plethora of professional development opportunities available, facilitation methods are not often recognized as a critical leadership skill. Presenters will reflect on 3 years of a Facilitator Pathway program, announced during the 2021 Open Education Conference, and how this skill set has affirmed their growth and standing as leaders. This session will delve into the creation and implementation of a professional development facilitator program tailored for faculty, librarians, technologists, and staff. Speakers will describe how increased training in facilitation methods empowered them to integrate their experiences into pedagogy, establish meaningful connections with students, and improve outcomes. We’ll also share the benefits of establishing a virtual community of practice amongst facilitators to improve their teaching practice, strengthen networks, and improve the pathway program.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Learn from emerging leaders who have intentionally embarked on year-long professional development programs to enhance their potential
  • Gain insight into the unique skill sets, responsibilities, and impact of emerging OER leaders as they influence faculty or contribute to capacity building initiatives
  • Understand how facilitation prepares individuals for leadership roles
  • Understand the critical role of facilitation in supporting OER initiatives, fostering collaboration, driving project success, and establishing OER champions
  • Explore practical strategies for integrating facilitation methods into their own practice as emerging OER leaders
avatar for Stacy Katz

Stacy Katz

Open Resources Librarian, Lehman College, CUNY
I am an Associate Professor and Open Resources Librarian-STEM Liaison at Lehman College, CUNY. I initiated, developed, and oversee the Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative for the college. My research to date has focused on OER, particularly how librarians develop and support... Read More →
avatar for Apurva Ashok

Apurva Ashok

Executive Director, The Rebus Foundation, https://twitter.com/RebusCommunity
Apurva leads The Rebus Foundation and brings a tireless determination for systemic change in education at Rebus and through collaborative partnerships. She helps educational institutions build human capacity in OER publishing through professional development offerings such as the... Read More →
avatar for Bryan McGeary

Bryan McGeary

Learning Design & Open Education Engagement Librarian, Penn State University
avatar for Liza Long

Liza Long

Associate Professor of English, College of Western Idaho
I'm an associate professor of English at the College of Western Idaho. I am one of two 2024-2025 Idaho State Board of Education Generative AI Fellows. I blog about teaching and writing with generative AI at Artisanal Intelligence. 

Joel Gladd

College of Western Idaho
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

How Much is Too Much? : Lessons Learned from the UT System Data Collection Project
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm EDT
OER Practitioners across the University of Texas system meet regularly to support, advocate for, and advance OER use across the UT System. In 2023, in collaboration with UT System's Momentum on OER taskforce, we were each asked to provide unified cost-savings metrics from courses using OER and/or free materials. In this session, we discuss our ongoing system-wide data collecting projects, including each institution's process for collecting OER data, limitations and challenges in reporting accurate data, and the value of working together to advance OER use across our campuses. Attendees will learn how to create a community to support "solo" OER Librarians, navigating reporting metrics at a system-wide level where each institution has distinct data gathering processes, and lessons-learned to help other institutions effectively gather data and advocate for OER.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Feel empowered to collaborate with other institutions to advocate for Open Education data collection.
  • Learn how data-gathering can vary across institutions, and our best practices for reporting diverse data.
  • Advocate for resources to better support standardized data collection.
  • Communicate how sustainability practices for collecting unified system metrics vary based on institutional support structures.

Terra Gullings

Scholarly Communication Librarian, UT Tyler
avatar for Gabrielle Hernandez

Gabrielle Hernandez

Open Education Librarian, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Gabby Hernandez is the Open Education Librarian at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. There she coordinates the Textbook Affordability Project which supports the advocacy and implementation of open educational practices at UTRGV. With a background as a K-12 educator, she brings... Read More →
avatar for Jessica McClean

Jessica McClean

Director of OER & Digital Scholarship, UTA Libraries, University of Texas at Arlington
avatar for Maria Teresa Torres

Maria Teresa Torres

OER Librarian, University of Texas at El Paso
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

Behind the Book: Learnings and Reflections from an Open Textbook Equity Adaptation Project
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
One of the benefits of open licenses is the ability for others to take an OER and adapt it to make it more inclusive. But what does that mean? What is involved in that process? Where do you begin? In this session, we share our reflections on a 10-month collaborative, multi-institutional project to adapt an Introduction to Psychology open textbook through the lenses of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We will share our process, successes, and insights we gained through this project. We will talk about collaboration, roles, how students contributed to the adaptation, and our one-day sprint to get all the content into Pressbooks. We will also share the challenges we experienced and explore the question: “If we could do it all again, what would we do differently?”

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Define what an equity, diversity, and inclusion OER adaptation project involves (or could involve).
  • Describe the roles people can play in a collaborative OER adaptation project focused on equity.
  • Critically consider the limitations of adaptation when wanting to create an OER that centres equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Reflect on your own OER projects to identify opportunities to make them more inclusive and collaborative.
avatar for Krista Lambert

Krista Lambert

Designer: Learning or Instructional, Justice Institute of British Columbia
avatar for Josie Gray

Josie Gray

Manager, Production and Publishing, BCcampus
Josie is the manager of production and publishing at BCcampus. She oversees OER creation work at BCcampus and manages a project looking at sustaining shared educational resources and technologies in the B.C. post-secondary system. Josie has been learning about and teaching accessibility... Read More →

Harper Friedman

Coordinator, Open Textbook Publishing, BCcampus
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
  Session: Hybrid

3:30pm EDT

How Far We’ve Come: Looking at Open Education from a Different Angle
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
It’s common to hear the refrain that OER can’t meet the same needs as commercial publishers: they aren’t as specific, as broad... This angle leaves out a crucial point: considering the age of the OE movement, we’ve made tremendous progress! While open textbooks might not exist for every field, OER aren’t just textbooks. They come in every shape and size that has value in education, and that’s a strength! Ignoring this diversity discounts the work practitioners have done in creating, remixing, and leveraging diverse learning materials together. And that doesn’t even include OEP! The presenters will start a discussion about how looking at our work from another angle can help OE advocates have more productive discussions. We’ll share examples from across open movements to highlight how collaborative, open work yields more for the community than commercial actors can provide. Attendees will be invited to consider how they can acknowledge the progress they’ve made as well.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Recognize 3 major areas where the OE community has developed over time.
  • Identify new talking points they can leverage when promoting open education.
  • Contextualize the breadth of OEP happening in their local context.

Abbey Elder

Iowa State University

Shannon Smith

University of Wyoming
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

Open Pedagogy in Child & Family Studies: Advocating from the Beginning
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
This semester-long open pedagogical Advocacy Project in EDU 113: Children, Families, Schools and Communities synthesizes fosters student-driven exploration to understand the interconnectedness of children, families, schools, and communities. Through a scaffolded approach, students address course learning outcomes by identifying issues within their school or community, drafting advocacy statements, conducting stakeholder interviews, researching issues, and creating public service announcements or op-ed pieces. Feedback and iterative improvement drive the success of each assignment, culminating in impactful advocacy projects such as securing funds for safety measures, promoting multilingual education, combating food insecurity, ensuring inclusive event protocols, and improving accessibility to educational resources. This project accompanies the Open Education Resource Text Children, Families, Schools, and Communities.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Define open pedagogy.
  • Identify strategies to scaffold open pedagogy projects for 100-level undergraduate students.
  • Evaluate student perceptions of the open pedagogical Advocacy Project assignment.
avatar for Joan Giovannini

Joan Giovannini

University of Massachusetts
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

The Open Education Advocacy Playbook: Tailored for Your Needs
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
The open education movement's success relies on cultivating a diverse community of enthusiastic advocates throughout the education sector. Drawing from experiences as a special education teacher, non-profit advocate, and academic librarian, this session explores strategies for empowering the next generation of open education leaders. We will examine the value of bringing together diverse perspectives - educators, librarians, students, instructional designers, and community organizations. Gain insights into raising awareness, providing professional development, fostering collaborations, involving students as partners, and recognizing champions. Learn practical strategies for tailoring advocacy efforts, building skills, and creating inclusive networks. Leave equipped with actionable methods to inspire and support advocates, ensuring sustainable growth of open education initiatives.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the value and benefits of engaging a diverse range of advocates from various roles and levels within the education sector for the open education movement.
  • Develop strategies to raise awareness and provide professional development opportunities tailored to specific audiences like educators, librarians, instructional designers, students, administrators, and community organizations.
  • Explore methods to foster cross-institutional collaborations and create inclusive knowledge-sharing networks that support open education advocacy efforts.
  • Learn approaches to actively involve students as partners in open educational resource creation and advocacy initiatives.
  • Formulate an actionable plan to cultivate, inspire, and support the next generation of open education advocates within their institution or community, ensuring the sustainability and growth of the movement.
avatar for Nicole Baker

Nicole Baker

Research and Instruction Librarian, SUNY Brockport
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm EDT
Thursday, October 10

9:00am EDT

Accelerating Access to OER in Africa: Case Studies of Localization by Youth Service Ambassadors
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
Africa has never been more ready for a knowledge revolution. With its burgeoning population growth and vast natural resources, it’s about time for institutions to open access to digital knowledge in low-tech and user-friendly formats. At the start of 2021, 90% of African schools were still closed due to COVID-19 and most families in Africa lacked access to connectivity and critical content in the home. During this time, CDN was invited by partner organizations to liaise closely with African stakeholders in 5 countries to identify opportunities, challenges, and strategies to improve access to OER tools. This session highlights best practices and lessons learned through Open Content for Development (OC4D), an OER library tool launched by the Community Development Network (CDN). Our West African team will share insights from 5 countries since 2020 and will zoom in on lower-literate learners in low-tech areas.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Training/Leadership Development for local knowledge workers (Youth Service Ambassadors, “YSAs”);
  • Digital Content Curation and Localization;
  • Tech Deployment/Maintenance/Troubleshooting from Remote Access Points; and,
  • Feedback Integration via digital dashboard to monitor hardware, software, and learner progress.


Director of Special Projects, Community Development Network
I am particularly interested in ed-tech solutions to deliver digital content in offline areas. I am focused on OER, hybrid learning, and rapid feedback tools for facilitators to track progress.I’ve considered this because it will serve as an accelerator and incubator to help me... Read More →





Marzuq Abubakari

Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
  Session: Hybrid

9:00am EDT

Co-DREAM OER: Introducing Innovative New OER Resources in Robotics and Modern Manufacturing
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
In 2021 CO-DREAM OER, a multi-institutional project received a $2-million grant from the US Department of Education to develop 9 OER textbooks on robotics, mechatronics, and advanced manufacturing, three subjects that are key to the future of research and workforce training in modern industry. The project is now reaching fruition and will release one textbook each semester from fall 2024 to fall 2026. This presentation showcases the innovative textbooks, which help readers understand complex concepts through a mixture of readings, videos, and interactive simulations. It also discusses the project’s approach of improving the textbooks through trial implementations, where faculty are offered stipends to use them in exchange for conducting student surveys and giving feedback on the works. Results of the feedback are used to update the textbooks. The presentation engages its audience to promote the textbooks, which are designed for 2-year associates, 4-year bachelor’s and graduate courses.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the purpose of the project and the important gaps in OER that it seeks to fill with its textbooks.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the textbooks produced by the project, and the types of institutions, courses, and programs they are designed for.
  • Explore the innovative features that the textbooks contain, along with the pedagogical principles they are based on and how these can be used to train the next generation of researchers and workers in the manufacturing industry.
  • Discover the formats that the textbooks are available in (Ex. Online e-modules, PDF and downloadable interactive materials that can to be used offline, print on demand) and where they and other potential users can access the books.
  • Learn the educational research component behind the textbooks, how it seeks to improve the works through trial implementations, and how the audience can take part in prompting and using the textbooks.

Alison Mero

Managing Editor, Clemson University Press
Managing Editor at Clemson University Press; acquiring books in music, literature, and the arts. Musicology PhD. she/her/hers
avatar for Yang Wu

Yang Wu

Clemson University

Yue Wang

Clemson University
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT

9:00am EDT

From Closed to Open: Laboring to Revert Rights and Republish Existing Works
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT
Rights-reversion is a powerful tool for broadening access to books which are still-in-demand but paywalled or out-of-print. Converting these works to Open Educational Resources (OER) broadens their availability and meets reader and instructional needs while utilizing existing workflows used by those who create open textbooks. This presentation describes rights reversion, presents multiple case studies, documents the labor involved in rights-reversion and re-publishing workflows, and provides tips and tools for working with authors and publisher-copyright-holders.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Articulate a summary of what rights reversion is.
  • Describe what makes something an Open Educational Resource (OER)
  • Explain rationale for including rights-reversion-to-OER as part of their publishing program
  • Describe why rights-reversion-to-OER might add value to the communities they serve, and similarities and differences to what they might already do in their community or institution
avatar for Anita Walz

Anita Walz

Associate Professor, Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, University Libraries at Virginia Tech
Anita Walz is Associate Professor and the Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech where she founded and oversees the Open Education Initiative and OER grant program. She holds a masters in Library and... Read More →
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am EDT

9:30am EDT

The Intersection of OER & Community Engagement: Increasing Equity Through the PCC Ready Bag Project
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
In the Pacific Northwest, we are faced with a 1 in 3 chance that a large earthquake will hit our community within the next 50 years. At Portland Community College, most of our students are not prepared for a disaster of this magnitude. The PCC Ready Bag & Community Resilience Project was created in order to increase equity on our campus through education, community building, and free “Ready Bag" starter kits. This project utilized community engagement and OER to create a truly student-centered project where students created openly-licensed materials to share with their community (and beyond). Asking students to become the educators positions them as change makers in their communities. In this session, the OER resources that were created by PCC students will be shared. We will discuss the process, the takeaways, and the lessons learned along the way. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on disaster preparedness resources for their own community.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand how community-based learning can be used to engage students in creating culturally relevant OER content
  • Identify ways that student-created OER content can be adapted to be used in your local communities to increase preparedness and community building
avatar for Taryn Oakley

Taryn Oakley

Environmental Studies & Resources Faculty, Portland Community College
I teach environmental science and I help to coordinate the Community-Based Learning program at Portland Community College. I love all things nature and I am interested in teaching about the environmental through a justice lens.
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT

9:30am EDT

The Switch: The Story of Librarians Becoming Open Leaders
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT
This is the story of how Excelsior University’s academic library transformed from a closed silo utilizing contracted librarians to one where internal librarians now cultivate open practices within our institution. With many barriers to an institutional open mindset, we embarked on a needs analysis, which identified opportunities for change. The work began with researching and identifying librarian roles, developing job descriptions and a hiring process. The story now continues with redesigning the library’s relationship with course development, the bookstore, and faculty development, and the development of open resources, practices and services. Attendees will leave inspired with ideas for their own transformational open initiatives.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Discuss a process for creating transformational change.
  • Visualize new library roles.
  • Identify people and organizations with whom to collaborate.
  • Develop strategies for cultivating partnerships with the bookstore.
avatar for Cathy Germano

Cathy Germano

Senior Director, Library and Learning Services, Excelsior University

Brent Swearingen

Excelsior University

Melissa Chim

Scholarly Communications Librarian, Excelsior University

Regina Seguin

Excelsior University

Maribel Castro

Excelsior University

Tiffany Davis

Excelsior University
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am EDT

9:45am EDT

Is “Opt-In” the Future of Inclusive Access?
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT
"Inclusive Access" is a model that has been adopted by many institutions to provide students with course materials. Recent developments at the federal level have raised questions about the transparency and equity of these programs, along with the negative impact it can have on open education initiatives. This presentation will discuss the current state of Inclusive Access, including how regulatory changes proposed by the U.S. Department of Education may change the default model from "opt-out" to "opt-in." It will also discuss advocacy strategies to address the negative impact "Inclusive Access" can have for students. 

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Describe the features of "Inclusive Access" automatic textbook billing programs
  • Explain the state of U.S. federal regulatory changes with respect to automatic textbook billing
  • Identify key benefits of an "opt-in" model for textbook billing
  • Address misleading arguments made by publisher and bookstore vendors 
avatar for Nicole Allen

Nicole Allen

Director of Open Education, SPARC
Nicole Allen is the Director of Open Education for SPARC. In this role, she leads SPARC’s work to advance openness and equity in education, which includes a robust state and federal policy program, a broad librarian community of practice, and a leadership program for open education professionals... Read More →
Session Type
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Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:45am - 10:25am EDT

10:00am EDT

Students' Perceptions of a Course Syllabus Designed to Foreground Open Educational Practices
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
The current study utilized Lambert's 3R framework of social justice (redistributive, recognitive, and representational) to investigate the impact of justice frames and open educational practices in syllabus design on undergraduate students' perceptions. Participants (N=207) viewed several versions of a hypothetical syllabus, with each version increasing in social justice focus. Participants then answered questionnaires on their intent to take the course, student sense of belonging, and instructor evaluation. We hypothesized that increased social justice focus in syllabi would enhance student belonging, improve evaluations, and boost course registration intent, especially for those with more marginalized identities. This study underscores the importance of incorporating social justice frameworks into syllabus design to enhance student engagement and perceptions of inclusivity.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand the principles of Lambert's 3R framework of social justice (redistributive, recognitive, and representational) and its application in syllabus design.
  • Identify the effects of justice frames and open educational practices on undergraduate students' sense of belonging, motivation to learn, and instructor evaluations.
  • Apply knowledge of how different justice frames in syllabus design can influence student outcomes, including intent to register for courses.
  • Evaluate the role of educators in promoting social justice and inclusivity through syllabus design, informed by empirical evidence from the study.
avatar for Rajiv Jhangiani

Rajiv Jhangiani

Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning, Brock University
avatar for Lindsey Gwozdz

Lindsey Gwozdz

Assistant Dean of Library, Community College of Rhode Island
Lindsey Gwozdz joined CCRI in 2024 as the Assistant Dean of the Library, having spent 11 years prior as an Associate Professor and the Scholarly Communications Librarian at Roger Williams University. She also serves as the Fellow for Open Education at the New England Board of H... Read More →

Oya Pakkal

Brock University

Anita Twele

Brock University
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
  Session: Hybrid

10:00am EDT

“There was one and now there’s more!” : Hiring additional personnel to help with Open Ed Work
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT
Many academic libraries have a librarian whose responsibilities include open education. This position may look different depending on the needs of each institution but in many cases, this librarian begins providing these services in a solo capacity. As the open education programs at institutions evolve, the workload expectations for these solo librarians should also grow in order to support sustainability. Sometimes, this growth means hiring additional personnel. While it is exciting to have more help, it can also lead to a number of questions. How can I adjust workflows to include this employee? How can I determine what is “librarian level” vs “non-librarian level” work within open education? How can I ensure that processes make sense to someone else? During this presentation, the presenters will share their stories and discuss how their open education departments have grown from one librarian to additional personnel, and how they have begun to tackle the above questions.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Understand how the presenters advocated for additional help at their institutions.
  • Think about how they can better prepare documentation for workflows and procedures that will be useful in future training or succession planning.
  • Formulate questions to think about if they are hoping to train someone to help with open education work in the future.
avatar for Gabrielle Hernandez

Gabrielle Hernandez

Open Education Librarian, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Gabby Hernandez is the Open Education Librarian at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. There she coordinates the Textbook Affordability Project which supports the advocacy and implementation of open educational practices at UTRGV. With a background as a K-12 educator, she brings... Read More →
avatar for Sabrina Davis

Sabrina Davis

Open Educational Resources Librarian, Texas Tech University
Sabrina Davis is the Open Educational Resources (OER) Librarian and holds the Assistant Librarian rank in Texas Tech University Libraries. In her role as OER Librarian, Sabrina works with various campus stakeholders to expand the use of open educational resources and educates both... Read More →
Session Type
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Hybrid (25 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am EDT

11:00am EDT

Standards and Scale: Creating and Promoting Adoption-Ready Nursing OER
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
The Open Educational Resources Nursing Essentials Project (ONE), a partnership of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and OpenStax, was created to help address a crisis-level workforce shortage in Nursing. Through this project, the THECB and OpenStax developed high quality, standards-aligned, accessible educational offerings. But to impact the workforce as designated by the program, large-scale adoption and usage are the ultimate goals. This panel will feature team leads, authors, and adopters to discuss the end-to-end approaches and practices to achieve the program outcomes. We will describe the needs analysis, user engagement, learning design, and review processes that drove the project. Authors will reflect on interpreting and applying feedback. And a recent adopter, who was not involved with the project development, will reflect on the evaluation, adoption, and integration process.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the key people (e.g., authors, adopters) involved in the OER development and adoption process and ways to engage with these different individuals.
  • Develop needs analysis and related market research instruments to inform OER creation.
  • Gather, interpret, and apply reviewer feedback throughout the OER development process.
  • Address adoption criteria through products and product descriptions.
  • Incorporate OER creation and adoption best practices into their own OER development and promotion endeavors.

Anthony Palmiotto

Director of Products, OpenStax

Carrie Gits

Director, Digital Learning, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Lindsay Josephs

Demand Generation Specialist, Rice University/OpenStax
Session Type
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Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:00am EDT

Student Advocacy: Fighting Against Automatic Textbook Billing
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
The growing adoption of automatic textbook billing programs, often labeled as “Inclusive” or “Equitable” Access, poses a significant threat to textbook affordability and student autonomy. In response, a dedicated committee of students has collaborated with student governments across the U.S. and Canada to craft a unified student statement addressing these concerns. This statement critically examines the pitfalls of such programs and offers actionable recommendations for institutional adoption. In this session, the student committee members will illuminate their process, providing insights into student perspectives on this pressing issue. Attendees will gain valuable strategies to safeguard their institutions and advocate for student interests against the presence of these programs. They will also share how to effectively collaborate with the students on your campus and ensure their needs are being centered.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify the main ways students are negatively impacted by automatic textbook billing
  • Learn about the student recommendations when it comes to these programs
  • Learn how to engage and work with students on this issue
avatar for Aishah Abdullah

Aishah Abdullah

Open Education Coordinator, SPARC

Elizabeth Braatz

Portland State Univeristy

Pedro Almeida

University of Alberta

Katie Wagman

Michelson 20MM Foundation

Graceanne Hoback

Florida State University
Session Type
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Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:00am EDT

Valuing OER in the Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Process
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT
This session will address the question: How can we include OER work into the standards of tenure, promotion, and reappointment? Building off the OER Contributions Matrix created 2021, Driving OER Sustainability for Student Success (DOERS) recently published a volume of case studies, Valuing OER in the Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Process. This session will include authors of the various case studies detailing their personal experiences in utilizing their work in open education to gain tenure, promotion, or reappointment, their lessons learned, and their advice for others in the field.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Identify what types of contributions might apply to the three categories of tenure, promotion, and reappointment (teaching, research, and service).
  • Discuss what strategies that have been successfully utilized to get open education work recognized for tenure, promotion, and/or reappointment.
  • Discuss the barriers to recognition of open education work in tenure, promotion, and reappointment.
  • Network with colleagues in the field who have successfully utilized these strategies and overcome barriers.

Andrew McKinney

Open Education Coordinator, City University of New York

Craig Finlay

OER Librarian, Criss Library, University of Nebraska Omaha

Elaine Correa

Professor and Chair, Special Assistant to the Provost, California State University, Bakersfield

Emily Carlisle-Johnson

Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University
avatar for Annika Many

Annika Many

President & CEO, EDU-PM, LLC
Chief Strategist & Program Executive with 20 years’ experience in Higher Education, K-12, and P-20 Systems. Experienced in organizational leadership, program management, and consulting. Highly collaborative and skilled in ensuring the successful execution of mission-critical work... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:40am EDT

11:45am EDT

Copyright is Dead; Long Live Copyright
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
For nearly 500 years, copyright has been a primary mechanism on which our systems of authorship and sharing operate; a must-have for creators to benefit from their hard work. But if we evaluate that claim, the picture is murkier. Has copyright spurred creativity? Or has it commodified a societal good? Has it helped the best works rise to the surface? Or caused us to value all the wrong things? And with all the speculation about how AI is going to “kill copyright” (or vice versa), it seems like we’re on track for a crisis in how we incentivize and reward creativity. If that's the case, the open community is better positioned than most: we already employ a host of different methods to incentivize creation that aren’t necessarily reliant on copyright. This panel will discuss the nuances of intellectual property, capitalism, creativity, and change management. How do we get from where we are to where we want to be? What are we doing now that helps - or hinders - our journey there?

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Attendees will gain an understanding of the history of copyright and the intersection with capitalism and colonialism
  • Attendees will learn about the variety of ways societies have encouraged creativity and authorship beyond intellectual property rights
  • Participants will explore the ways in which open education is already leveraging alternatives to copyright-based incentive structures
  • Participants will discuss the ways in which open licensing may or may not reinforce copyright
  • Participants will discuss the ways in which copyright’s rules, incentives, and boundaries do or do not serve the many purposes of authorship
avatar for Meredith Jacob

Meredith Jacob

Project Director - Copyright, Education, and Open Licensing, PIJIP/CC USA

Ethan Senack

Chief of Staff, ISKME
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT

11:45am EDT

Making a Case for the ROI of Recognition, Care, and Compensation
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
How do we ensure those doing the hard work of OER are compensated, resourced, and acknowledged for their achievements? Luckily, the ROI of these forms of worker care in OER are evident and measurable. This session will integrate the successes and lessons learned from years of program implementation across two state university systems with developing actionable takeaways tailored for your OER context. Objectives include: * Recognition: Apply the evolution of system awards programs to your own practices * Compensation: Discover how student cost savings can make temporary library or instructional design positions permanent * Care: Find labor efficiencies through cross-institutional human resource sharing such as the Oklahoma-wide OER Office Hours pilot Hear from students with textbook co-creation experience as we consider the ‘return’ of student success, connecting students to decision making, and increasing students’ contribution to OER with care, compensation, and recognition.

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Apply the evolution and growth of system awards programs to your own recognition practices
  • Consider the power and possibility of state-level recognition such as the Colorado Governor’s Z-degree Award
  • Discover how student cost savings can make a temporary library or instructional design position permanent
  • Build efficiencies in labor and capacity through cross-institutional resource sharing
avatar for Jaimie Henthorn

Jaimie Henthorn

Director, Academic Innovation Programs, University of Colorado System
Jaimie provides leadership and support for innovative and future-thinking academic initiatives and emerging tools such as adaptive learning platforms, competency-based credentialing including badging, artificial intelligence, and augmented/virtual reality. She also sustains and further... Read More →
avatar for Brad Griffith

Brad Griffith

Associate Vice Chancellor of Innovation, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
I work with public colleges and universities in Oklahoma and we have built an initiative called UpskillOK which now features over 350 micro-credentials offered by 25 of our institutions, including 120+ industry partnerships. I'm an open book and will happily share what works, what... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT

11:45am EDT

Promising Practices for Course Marking at Independent Institutions
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
Course marking provides students with the agency to make informed decisions at the time of registration based on their financial situations and helps to amplify redistributive justice, making sure all students have the required materials they need to meaningfully engage in their courses. Our presentation will share how the New England Board of Higher Education developed a regional, multi-institutional community of practice to not only help guide the implementation of course marking efforts for these colleges and universities but to also build sustainable networks of peers in the independent sector. We’ve gathered lessons learned and proud moments from each of our participating institutions to share with attendees “promising practices” (because what’s best for one is not always for others). Our presentation will conclude with newly gathered data about student behavior and course marking as well as a downloadable, openly-licensed course marking campaign-in-a-box so that attendees can get started right away!

Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Illustrate the value of a cross-functional team as well as a cross-institutional community of practice when considering course marking
  • Identify potential challenges and promising practices
  • Identify how course marking may impact student registration behavior
  • Access real-time resources to start or improve upon their own initiatives
avatar for Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Virginia Clinton-Lisell

Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research, University of North Dakota
Virginia Clinton-Lisell, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Educational Foundations and Research at the University of North Dakota where she is a Rose Isabella Kelly Fischer Professor. She holds a masters’ degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University... Read More →
avatar for Lindsey Gwozdz

Lindsey Gwozdz

Assistant Dean of Library, Community College of Rhode Island
Lindsey Gwozdz joined CCRI in 2024 as the Assistant Dean of the Library, having spent 11 years prior as an Associate Professor and the Scholarly Communications Librarian at Roger Williams University. She also serves as the Fellow for Open Education at the New England Board of H... Read More →
avatar for Laura Robert-Rivera

Laura Robert-Rivera

Senior Project Manager, New England Board of Higher Education
Laura Robert-Rivera is the Senior Project Manager of Policy and Research at the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), leading efforts to expand NEBHE's Open Education initiative and support the broader community. With over five years of experience in nonprofits, foundations... Read More →
Session Type
avatar for Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid (40 min)

Hybrid sessions can be joined in person and online by attendees and speakers. The session will be held live in a meeting room at the conference venue and connected to Zoom through a webcam and microphones. Virtual attendees will be able to submit questions and comments through the... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 12:25pm EDT
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